It's My Birthday Conversation With Jesus!
A Word from God
On Sunday, November 6th, around the 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon time frame, a little fiery, red-haired, baby girl was born in a West Point, Mississippi hospital! Her eyes were hazel green and she had freckles on her face! She was a sight to see! And if you ask me, she still is!! LOL!
Good Morning y’all! This the day the Lord has made and I am definitely rejoicing and glad in it because today is my born day! I am so blessed to see another birthday and thankful that I am in the happiest place ever…living on purpose for the Lord!!! This is the best gift EVER!!!
This morning my conversation with the Lord took on the form of a birthday love letter in my journal!!! Here’s what the Holy Spirit said to me this morning!
Happy Birthday Fon!
I love you so much and I am so proud of who you are today!!! You continue to do your best and that’s exactly where I want you to be. You are living your life the way I always wanted for you, an honorable and obedient life. You know I love an obedient child :-) You are mine and I adore every part of you. I set you apart before I even put you in your momma’s womb. I am delighted that you are mine. Your smile I created truly lights up rooms. Your laughter I gave you is to be heard around the world. Your positive energy is infectious and people love having you around. I smile when I see you operating just the way I made you.
Your faith growth has pleased me so much. And you know I love our daily talk times. You have grown so much closer to Me and I am really pleased with your life right now Fon. You are becoming everything I intended for you. Happy Born Day.
Be ready to be surprised and WOW’d today! I am about to blow your mind over and over and over again!
I love you forever and always. Happy 42nd Birthday my daughter.
Your Lord and Savior!
I am beyond Wow’d already this morning just hearing this, and I know that the Holy Spirit has orchestrated this day to be amazing at every turn! Soooooo excited!!!!
Hearts and Birthday Hugs all around!! Thank you all for being such a blessing to me as readers of this blog. That’s a wonderful gift to me today!
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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