Today is the Day!
New Living Translation
I fear the Lord. I really felt the need to say that because I really want to get my life right. The more I read the Word of God, the more I see where the Lord kept sending messages through priests and prophets to the people trying to warn them to stop going in the wrong direction. God loves us so much, and He really wants us to live righteous. I have always known that. So what kept me from doing it? When I reflect on that question, the first answer that pops up in my mind, is thinking I had time to get it right. The truth of the matter is, the Lord does give us time, but at a point, the time will run out and no one knows the time. So today is the time.
This morning I got up with a mindset of getting to my post in my prayer closet to pray, but I also woke up thinking, today is the last morning that I pray at this age. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am super excited about it!! I always see birthdays as fresh starts (and who doesn’t love a fresh start), plus if you read my blog a few days ago, you know I am excited to see what the Lord will birth through me this month!! But back to today, as flipped open my Bible to Ezekiel 13, it talked about judgement against false prophets. I fear the Lord. Period. I am always praying that I do the right thing, make the right decisions, and simply be led by the Lord. I heard the Holy Spirit say to me this morning, “Always be led by Me when you speak.” I speak through my writing and because I fear the Lord, I want to always make sure that I am writing and saying what HE wants me to say in this blog, in my books, or wherever He leads me to write.
This morning after reading Jeremiah 6, I heard the Holy Spirit say, you can’t keep living how you want to live, and not think that I am not watching. How long will you keep going in the wrong direction? When I heard this, I began to think back to when I was really living how I wanted to live (my way, not God’s way). I was always in sorta of in a back and forth way of living. I would live right, and then I would find myself back on the wrong side of right. Or I would be doing good in every area of my life except _________ (fill in the blank). For me, it kept being relationships and finances that took me in the wrong direction or kept me from living how God intended for me to live. I remember how awful I used to feel some nights thinking about how I behaved in some of my relationships, and how my chest would hurt some days at the mere thought of money because I wasn’t doing right by the resources God gave me. I remember feeling the pressure of “how long will you keep going in the wrong direction,” and now I realize that the pressure I was feeling in both relationships and money, was the Holy Spirit. I wasn’t aware or knowledgeable enough about Holy Spirit before 9 months ago, but that’s exactly who it was, trying to get my attention so I could make some better decisions. Is the Holy Spirit trying to get your attention?
Today as I end another chapter to go into a new one, I pray that my steps are ordered by the Lord in relationships, money, and every other area of my life. I rebuke any and all tricks/strategies of the enemy that would attempt to steal, kill, or destroy my purpose and my assignment in Jesus name!
I am grateful for you being a reader of this blog and my prayer is that the Lord will impress upon your heart to reflect on every area of your life to ensure that you’re going in the Lord’s direction, because that’s the right direction. You know that you can’t keep living how YOU want to live. And to be honest, you’re tired of it anyway. Pray and listen for the Holy Spirit to give you directions. What I thought was my gut or my female intuition was the Holy Spirit all along giving me warning signs about people, purchases, and plots that were not in my best interest.
God loves us so much and He wants your obedience to Him. Surrender your way for His way and watch how blessed and prosperous your life will be, starting today!
Hearts and Hugs!
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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