Seeing Life Through Holy Lenses!

God’s Word

God’s Word


I woke up this morning after a much-needed night of rest. Late Saturday night, early Sunday morning, I received a phone call from my mother that my Uncle had passed away peacefully. After that call, there wasn’t much sleep for the rest of that night. I prayed, napped, and cried on repeat.

I have mentioned the story about my amazing Uncle Wallace Franks in this blog but just to catch you up, my Uncle was in an unfortunate tractor accident back in October of 2018. Make sure you notice the year I just said…2018. After numerous surgeries, various hospital stays, and a praying family of faith, God said it was time. That’s over 365 days of him being here with us longer than the doctors ever said he would. Matter of fact, they didn’t think he would survive past the weekend of the accident, but God didn’t say it, so we didn’t see it! This is seeing life through Holy lenses.

Over the last year and few months, our family’s faith has grown tremendously. Now my family has always been a family of faith. It is actually our family reunion motto: “We’ve Come This Far By Faith” and with my Uncle being the singer of the family, he would often lead that very song. That theme was tested in our family over the last year. Our family was put through the test and I am happy to report that we passed it! Our faith is even stronger. Our unity is even tighter. Our trust in the Lord is even deeper. Our spiritual muscles are stronger than ever. This is seeing life through Holy lenses.

We know that God cares for us as a family because while my Uncle never regained consciousness, God kept him here with us and gave him just enough life for us to have hope and keep the faith. He gave us more time to prepare in faith for his peaceful passing, IN HIS OWN HOME. Yes! My Uncle didn’t pass away in a hospital or nursing home facility. He passed away in his own home. No one had to make a hard decision on whether or not to keep a machine on or off. He passed away peacefully. And it was after we as a family surrounded him in prayer and gave thanks to the Lord just a few weeks ago for Thanksgiving. It was after family came and celebrated how good God had been to us for keeping him. This is seeing life through Holy lenses.

When you look at this entire journey through Holy lenses, God was faithful every single step of the way. From moving my uncle to a hospital facility in Columbus the very week of his daughter’s wedding IN COLUMBUS!! God got my Uncle as close to the wedding as possible. He even made it possible so that my Aunt could be with him every night at places where she really wasn’t supposed to spend the night! The Lord even had him stay at a facility locally where his daughters lived so that my aunt could have the help of them and other family members every day. He brought my Uncle home to a renovated room so that my Big Momma (his mother), could walk next door and see him daily. And ultimately to a home where my aunt Gwen could care for him herself (she never left his side throughout this entire journey), and he could peacefully leave knowing that God’s work on the family through him had been accomplished. This is seeing life through Holy lenses.

Each day my family kept believing. Did it get tough for the family? Of course! But when you put on the lenses of the Holy Spirit, you can see so many mind blowing moments where God gave us exactly what we asked for time after time after time. And our prayer was always what we wanted, which was full restoration and healing, but as my Big Momma says, “it was in the hands of the Lord.” And we trusted the Lord. We have faith that He knows best. We can want what we want, but the Lord knew the end before the beginning and we put our full trust in His plan. And God’s plan always works out best for us, even when we can’t see it. But I am thankful that my family can actually SEE LIFE THROUGH HOLY LENSES!

Will we miss his energetic dancing at every function with music…of course! Will we miss him singing these lyrics: “your grace and mercy brought me through, I’m living this moment, because of You. I want to thank you and praise you too. Your grace and mercy brought me through.” Will we miss him always working and moving about outside on our family land? Yup! Will I miss hearing him call my name as only he can…Fonzie Baby? I sure will! But the smile I have on my face right now is because I know without a doubt that MY FAMILY is a FAITH FAMILY and we will all end up in heaven dancing and singing like him, because we believe in Jesus.

I dedicate this blog today to my Uncle Wallace Franks who’s life of love, service, responsibility, and fun will always be an inspiration of how to live life to the fullest until the very end. I love you Uncle Watt! I know you are cheering us on to keep walking by faith!

Here is a video of my Uncle that I believe captures the essence of his character! He could be serious when necessary, but when the music dropped…he was always on the dance floor!! LOL! This is how I imagined him when he got to heaven!! He danced his way right on through the heavenly soul train line to hear the Lord say…well done my good and faithful servant.

Hearts & Hugs

P.S. Scriptural Surprise came from 1 Corinthians chapter 2! Check it out!

My Uncle Watt and his devoted wife Aunt Gwen.

My Uncle Watt and his devoted wife Aunt Gwen.


Hey, have you done all your Christmas shopping yet? Well now is the chance to get a life-changing book or encouraging tee-shirt for your family member, friend or co-worker. I will be like Amazon and get it out to you just in time for the holidays, so place your orders now at


P.S. My latest book, Permission Slips is out!! Get one or more for your family and friends for Christmas! Order your gifts today. Books are forever! An inspirational book signed by the author never gets too tight in the waist or is the wrong size. LOL :-)


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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A Word from God.

A Word from God.


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