As You Level Up, You Can't Let Up

God’s Word

God’s Word


What kind of student were you in school? Were you the kind who could always be found studying? Or were you the kind that your parents had to ask you if you studied or not? I was the latter. See, I did good in school without a whole bunch of studying. I learned from hearing the teacher teach the lessons. I think they call that auditory learning. I also learned through experience as well. That means if I did it, I learned it a lot easier. When I started new jobs, I never liked orientation and all the reading of handbooks. I was just ready to get on the job and start. Just like school, I always did pretty well doing it that way. But this morning, the word Study and Student was brought to my attention in the prayer closet.

This morning I was praying that the Holy Spirit would make it where my assignments were simplified, like when I first started daily prayer back in February of this year. It seems like my assignments were easy to hear from God back then. I knew exactly what He wanted me to do. Now I wake up sometimes feeling like I am overwhelmed in my assignments or that I am missing an assignment. My prayer is always to do what the Lord wants me to do, so when I get that feeling of missing out, it brings on overwhelm which turns into anxiety and stress. Even as the days go by in this last month of this year, I feel a bit of pressure.

As I was having this conversation with the Holy Spirit about it, He said, “I am giving you more complex assignments now as you grow spiritually. You assignments were easier in the beginning because you were on a beginner’s level. You were a new student back then. Now you must study My Word even more and get even closer to Me. As you level up, you can’t let up. Where I have you now requires even more time with Me.”

I was sitting on the floor in my prayer closet and I realized exactly what the Holy Spirit was saying. You can’t do like you used to do in school Fon. You can’t just hear a lesson or sermon and do a little bit of studying on this level. That was fine in the beginning. That was like being in elementary school. But you’re on another level now. This level requires more time with the Lord and more study time of the Word.

I remember when I used to get my report card and my Mom would say, you did good, but you could have gotten A’s where you got B’s, if you had just studied a little bit more. The problem was…I was okay with getting B’s. I wasn’t tripping at all with being an A - B student. But the revelation is that I was missing out on MORE of what God had for me, even back then as a student. I missed being in the honor society by a mere tenth of a point or something crazy like that. I was always congratulating my friends who received awards that I could have very well received, if only I had applied myself more.

This morning, God reminded me that old things are passed away. I am a new creature in Christ. So today, I commit to studying more and getting A’s on my assignments by God!! How about you?

One thing I do know is that my getting this Tony Evans Study Bible was the best study tool I could buy! Today I read in Isaiah 12 for the Scriptural Surprise, but what really surprised me was when I just flipped to the back of the Bible and saw the Doctrinal Outlines, Keys to Spiritual Growth, and so much more! I was like, yeah Holy Spirit, I see what you’re saying. Don’t just read during the scriptural surprise, set aside even more time to study your Word. There is so much more you have for me, and I just need to apply myself more!

Hearts & Hugs




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If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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A Word from God.

A Word from God.


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