It's Not Too Big!

God’s Word.

God’s Word.


In obedience, the On Assignment By God Blog, now has an audio feature where you can listen to this blog!! Thank you for your prayers as I continue to be obedient and do what God says! Happy Listening!!

Have you ever desired a piece of clothing and they only had a few sizes and all of them were bigger than your size? I remember shopping for jeans when my kids were smaller and all the pants would have these adjustable straps in them to tighten up the waist. They didn’t even need a belt because the adjustable straps would cinch the fabric together enough to hold them up! Ohhh Jesus, I feel like I am getting ready to preach on the blog today and I ain’t a preacher, but don’t push me. LOL!

This morning, the Holy Spirit said, it may appear too big at first try, but I have already INSERTED some adjustable straps into the situation. I have already put some DRAWSTRINGS on the inside to make it fit just right FOR YOU. It looks too big to your eye, but I have already provided a way for it to fit you, you just have to DRAW IN to me. You just have to be adjustable to ME! See I can make what looks too big, a perfect fit for you. See it’s yours. It’s got your number on it. Your size on it. But when you put it on, it seems too big for you to handle. But look to me to make the alterations. Look to me to make it a custom fit. I’ll tighten it up for you. I’ll cinch you closer when you draw unto me! You must invite me into every situation and stay on the path that I have you on. It will LOOK TOO BIG to wear, but I need you to trust Me that what I have for you is YOURS!

This morning, as I was praying, I said, “Lord if you ain’t in it, I don’t want it!” And that’s when He gave me this whole visual of a life custom fit by Him! The Lord say, your assignments may look too big for you to handle, but if you just take it on, put it on, I will make the necessary adjustments. You pull the drawstrings and watch me make what looks big draw up and get smaller!

I pray y’all are getting this how He is giving it to me. It reminds me of the story of David and Goliath. David was small and Goliath was big. But that didn’t stop David from killing him. When you look at the story, before David went to slay this BIG giant, King Saul had tried to outfit David with his armor but it didn’t fit! LOL! David ended up wearing what God wanted Him to wear. He took his staff and them 5 stones and booyah…knocked the giant out with one stone!

What does all this mean Fon? It means that God will outfit you with everything you need to do what He has called and purposed you to do for His Kingdom. Some stuff may seem too big for you to handle, and if you try to wear someone else’s clothes or try to use someone else’s strategies verses doing it God’s way, you won’t accomplish the win. You won’t get the victory.

Today, go forward with that mindset of “if God ain’t in it, I don’t want any of it!”

You can’t handle BIG without THE ONE who is BIGGER and GREATER than all, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! If God be for you, who can be against you? Nobody! (I totally said that in my Keith Sweat voice). Lord help me replace all 90’s R&B with Jesus music! LOL!!

GOD IS BIGGER and He won’t leave you hanging! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!

Audio Blog Music: You’re Bigger


  1. What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. What are you looking at and thinking it’s too big for God to handle? (Remember that He is BIGGER than whatever it is!)

Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!

Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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