I Wanna Be Like Jesus

I Wanna Be Like Jesus!

Contemporary English Version

Contemporary English Version


Close your eyes and imagine being all God created you to be? Can you see it? Are you able to visualize yourself being everything God made you to be? I believe that in order for us to be able to imagine it fully, we must know God and know what He said about us. We can see this in Genesis 1:26:

“Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Genesis 1:26

This verse gives us everything we need to know about how we were created to be. This morning the Holy Spirit spoke to me even further about BEING like Jesus. Here’s what he said in our conversation this morning in the prayer closet:

  • Study Me so you can know Me, and know how to be like Me. The only way you can study Me is to read the Word of God (Pastor Mike Todd started a Bible Reading Challenge today. Read the Word for 15 minutes for this whole week. Take the challenge and learn how to be like Jesus).

  • I can help you be your best self…the best version of who I made you to be.

  • Whomever you are studying or using as your model to imitate, I made them too. If I had wanted to make duplicates, I would have. I made you unique and everything you need to know about YOU, will be revealed when you learn about Me!

  • Study Me.

  • Write down what you find when you study about Me.

  • Pray to be more like Me.

  • Pray to be who I made you exclusively to be.

As I was praying and hearing from God, I started thinking about how as kids we always pick someone we want to be more like. Some people pick parents, some pick successful family members, some pick successful people in their towns and cities, and some even pick celebrities they don’t really know personally, but have studied them enough to know every detail about their life. Why wouldn’t we pick to be like The One who actually made all of these people? Why choose the people when we can choose the maker of the people?

I want to encourage you this morning to study the Word of God to learn more about Jesus and how we can be more like Him. When Jesus came to earth, He was obedient and never sinned. He was caring and lived his life on purpose. He healed people and casted out demons. He was a teacher. He came to earth for a specific purpose…TO SAVE US. Jesus is our Savior.

Who did He create you to be and what purpose are you serving in His Kingdom? The only way we can be like Jesus, is if we study Jesus. Modeling ourselves after anyone else will never allow us to be who God fully made us to be! I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you today as you begin your studies to find examples of Jesus Christ. I pray that today you will be more like Jesus.

Growing up, the kids used to say I wanna be like Mike (Michael Jordan), and nowadays, we want to imitate folks we see online or on TV, but what if we stop trying to be like everyone else and simply be like Jesus. When we be like Jesus, we are being who God created us to be…in His likeness…in His image.

Now close your eyes again, and imagine being all God created you to be. Oh what a magnificent sight to behold. Yes that’s really you!! And yes, that’s how God sees you!!! Don’t just be you, be the You that God created you to be. That’s the real you!


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A Word from God.

A Word from God.

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