Someone Needs Your Obedience

Someone Needs Your Obedience!

Contemporary English Version

Contemporary English Version


Obedience. I heard that word a lot this morning as I was praying. One definition that I found says, obedience to God means to hear, trust, submit, and surrender to God and His Word. Another definition from Holman’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary says:

“To hear God’s Word and act accordingly.” Holman’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary

When I was praying this morning, I was showing my gratitude for all the people who have poured so much into my spiritual growth. Over the last six months, my life has completely changed. As many of you know from reading this daily blog, I joined a one-hour prayer challenge at church and everything changed when I started waking up to pray at the same time every day. Matter of fact, this blog is a direct result of me praying, because the Holy Spirit told me to share what we discuss in my prayer closet. Many of you have expressed your appreciation for this blog the same way I was expressing my appreciation for people like my pastor, the online pastors that I follow, and other spiritual leaders who have influenced my spiritual growth.

And then that’s when I heard the Holy Spirit say: You wouldn’t be getting all that you are receiving if My people weren’t being obedient! WHOA! That hit me in a place where I realized that if everyone I followed weren’t obedient to hearing from God and posting on YouTube or Instagram or blogging, I wouldn’t be growing at the rate I am growing. I wouldn’t have the understanding of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit that I have, if the people that I follow were working in jobs that they hated or doing something totally different than what God called them to do! Imagine that!!

You wouldn’t be reading this blog if I had not been obedient to the Holy Spirit telling me to share our conversations from the prayer closet. You wouldn’t be getting your inspirational and motivational quotes from your favorite Instagram influencer. You wouldn’t be jamming that worship song you love so much that pulled you out of a dark place. Think about it. What if everything you have enjoyed, everything that has helped you on your spiritual journey, every person that has played a role in your spiritual growth…what if they all had been disobedient and NOT did what God told them to do? Where would that leave you?

Then I heard the Holy Spirit say, “that’s what I am trying to get you to see. Someone needs what you have too. If you don’t do it, they won’t get it, and then My Will won’t go forth through you. Someone needs your obedience right now!

As I heard this, I begin to pray for the Holy Spirit to bring back to my remembrance anything that He has allowed me to grow/go through to get to where I am today. The reason I prayed this is because everything we go through is not for us, it is for God to get the glory and help someone else. I know that if God has called me to it, I trust that He has prepared me for it, and I don’t want to forget anything that I am meant to share, that will help someone else.

Here’s what else me and the Holy Spirit talked about:

  • Everything that I have assigned you to do is doable. I have equipped you for every assignment.

  • The key to doing the assignment, is that you must lean on me, so that you can tap into My power to complete the assignment.

  • What I have assigned you to do, can’t be done in your natural strength.

  • What I have assigned you to do, requires you to lean on me entirely.

  • If you don’t need Me and My power to do it, then it’s not one of My assignments.

  • I will get the glory from everything I have assigned you!

  • If I am not getting the glory, I didn’t assign it.

  • What I assign YOU, always requires full faith in ME! You can’t do it in your own power.

As I was hearing this from the Holy Spirit and writing it all down, the next thing I wrote down is motherhood is an assignment from Me. You can’t do it without Me. That made me realize that some of our assignments are long-term and some of our assignments from God are short-term. But not matter what He assigns us, we must depend on Him entirely to do them.

Whatever God has assigned you, someone is waiting on your obedience of it. Again, let this blog be visual evidence of me being obedient and you benefitting from it. God is going to use YOU to do it. God has called YOU to do it. You may be saying, but I don’t even know how to start or where to start. God is saying…perfect. Now come to me with it so I can guide you through every bit of it. Pray, Listen, Write down what you hear the Holy Spirit say, then go do it. That’s it!

Before I go, the scriptural surprise came from Luke 8. Now apparently God wants me to keep reading about sowing seeds because that’s exactly the story again, just in a different book of the bible. But when I started reading from the beginning of Luke 8, I realized that he wanted me to see the women!

Jesus was on a tour with the disciples to announce the Good News about the Kingdom of God, and there were some women with Him!! Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and many others who were contributing from their own resources to support Jesus and his disciples on the tour. I had never seen that in scripture before. And these were not just any women, these were women whom Jesus had healed and had cast out evil spirits! So they knew Jesus for themselves and they had their OWN RESOURCES to support Jesus.

They had their OWN RESOURCES. I don’t know why I am screaming that in all caps, but I believe someone who reads this will get it. For those who are still lost in the sauce…it means you don’t need to get it from no man. God will give you your OWN RESOURCES. That means He has equipped YOU to get your own! And once you get it, make sure you support Jesus with it! That was for someone. Maybe it was for me too. LOL! Depend on God for everything, not man.

Y’all have a great Tuesday and remember, someone is waiting on you to be obedient!


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A Word from God.

A Word from God.

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