I'll Do Anything!
God’s Word
This morning, the Holy Spirit changed my whole morning prayer routine all the way up. I am writing this with tears just pouring out of my eyes. I had to pull it together enough to get these words out, but I have been praising the Lord like my life depends on it…and it does! I have been singing For Your Glory by Tasha Cobbs Leonard and every time I get to the part that says, FOR YOUR GLORY, I WILL DO ANYTHING, I just start crying all the more.
Every morning I wake up to pray. It doesn’t matter if I’m sleepy, tired, sad, happy, discouraged, anxious, joyful, energized, or feeling like I just want to sleep late, I get up!! This song ministers to my SOUL y’all because when I surrendered my plans, my agenda, my whole life, it was all for God’s Glory! When things didn’t work out the way I thought with career, love, friendships, relationships, business, etc, all I knew was that I just wanted to do whatever God wanted me to do at this point. A lot has happened in my life and God has had me moving in directions that I sometimes don’t even understand. But I will do anything for God. I want to be where He is. I gotta to be where He is. That’s where I want to be!!! If He isn’t there, I don’t want to be there. If He didn’t send it, I don’t want it.
So this morning is all about MY SIDE OF THE CONVERSATION with God. This morning is about MY PRAISE AND WORSHIP TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR. For His Glory, I will do anything. Just to see Him. To behold Him as My KING! Peace is where He is. Joy is Where He is. Love is Who He is!!!
What are you willing to do for His glory? Wake up early to pray? Go right when you really want to go left? Change career paths? Leave someone? Stay with someone? Leave something? Take on a project that you have no idea how to even start? Write a book? Lay down a longtime habit? Say Something when you want to be quiet? Be quiet when you really want to say something? What will YOU do to see Him?
I want you to watch this clip below in full. This clip is EXACTLY HOW I FEEL THIS MORNING!! From Ron Carpenter’s teary confession of being afraid to Tasha Cobbs Leonard’s confession of when the Lord told her to move to ATL. This clip captures My Conversation With God this morning!
EVERY SINGLE MORNING I TELL THE LORD, I JUST WANT TO DO WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO! That’s where I am in my life. Nothing else matters to me anymore other than fulfilling His Kingdom agenda!
And for those who like to see the lyrics, here is the full song.
My Heart is sooo full this morning!! Take time to listen. Think about what you are willing to do just to see our King. And then just be obedient and do it!! God gets the all the glory for this blog!!!
Singing: I wanna be where you are… I gotta be where you are…I wanna be where you are….I gotta be where you are….
Listen y’all, my book Permission Slips is about the decisions I made and didn’t get God’s permission and how I wasn’t in alignment with His purpose for my life. I believe that’s why this song ministers to my SOUL. Because I laid it all down to be where He is!!! I am so thankful that He didn’t leave me there in my decisions. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!! THANK YOU JESUS!! THANK YOU JESUS!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! THANK YOU JESUS!! I JUST WANT TO BE WHERE YOU ARE! I GOTTA BE WHERE YOU ARE!!!
I am trying to let this thang go y’all but the presence of the Lord is HERE!! JESUS!!! I WANT TO BE WHERE YOU ARE! I GOTTA BE WHERE YOU ARE!!! FOR YOUR GLORY, I WILL DO ANYTHING! WHATEVER IT TAKES!!
Just let the song minister to you today! MY MY MY!!! PRAISE HIM!!! I got to hit publish on this blog, but the song is playing on repeat and I just want y’all to want to be where He is. That’s where your joy is. That’s where your peace is. That’s where your provision is. That’s where your healing is. That’s where your protection is. That’s where your next level is. That’s where your blessings are. It’s with our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST!
Come on Fon. Hit Publish. JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS! Lord I give you praise right now. I worship your Holy Name. There is no other name higher than your name. JESUS! JESUS! You are my everything. I lay down every plan, every preference, every other agenda that’s not yours. I want to be where you are Jesus. I know the plans that you have for me Jesus are to give me hope and a future. HALLELUJAH!! FOR YOUR GLORY LORD, I WILL DO ANYTHING!! THANK YOU JESUS FOR NEVER LEAVING ME! THANK YOU JESUS FOR KEEPING ME WHEN I WAS DEEP IN SIN. THANK YOU FOR CHASING AFTER ME. THANK YOU FOR FORGIVING ME WHEN I DIDN’T WANT TO BE WHERE YOU WERE. THANK YOU JESUS!!! THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME NEW!
Y’all just praise Him where you are!!!! Pray in your heavenly language!! I can just imagine if I was speaking on a stage right now, I wouldn’t be able to stop this worship!!! JESUS!! But I got to be obedient and get this blog out on time!!! WOO WEE Y’all!! I hope I have pleased you Lord. For your glory, Lord I will do anything. Praise you on a blog with my fingers!! Hallelujah!!
P.S. My latest book, Permission Slips is out!! Get one or more for your family and friends for Christmas! Order your gifts today. Books are forever! An inspirational book signed by the author never gets too tight in the waist or is the wrong size. LOL :-)
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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A Word from God.
The perfect companion to my new book Permission Slips!
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