Learn My Ways
Learn My Ways
The Passion Translation
This morning my prayers were bold! Why? Last night I read Kenneth Hagin’s Plead My Case on my Kindle app and it changed how I prayed, and it also changed my whole mindset on prayer. First of all, God does not remember that we have done anything wrong and we don’t have to keep praying for God to forgive us of old sins. Somebody needed to hear that! Stop asking for forgiveness over and over. God gave it to you the first time. Hagin says, when you come to the Lord in prayer without a sense of sin-consciousness, you can come with faith and boldness and get your prayer heard and answered.
1 John 1:9 says, once you confess your sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. And Isaiah 43:25 says He doesn’t remember them. Learning the Word of God is so powerful and the enemy definitely doesn’t want you to know your power...at all. So he tries to keep you from reading the Word, or he tries to make your prayers be about old sins or shame or guilt from your past that God has already forgiven you for.
I am so happy that God doesn’t remember my sins once I have confessed them and asked for forgiveness, and even more so, the next verse in Isaiah really stood out. Isaiah 43:26 says: Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare though, that though mayest be justified. Hagin broke that down like this: We are to remind God of His promises. Bring up His word, His covenant promises, and like a lawyer, lay your case legally (with the Word) before Him. For instance, you can say, God your words in Isaiah 53:5 says, I am healed by the stripes of Jesus, so I am standing on that word today. And God said in Jeremiah 1:12: I will hasten my word to perform it, meaning He will always make good on His Word!! I never knew when I said I wanted to be a lawyer, that I would be THIS kind of lawyer, but I will take it. I get to partner with God and plead my case based on His Word and His promises. Lord you said…____ ____ ___ ___ ___ (fill in the blank with scriptures)!!!
That’s the level I was on this morning as I entered into my prayer closet. A level of boldness. But the key to that is LEARNING THE WORD. You can’t stand on something you don’t know. Don’t let the enemy make you think the Bible is overwhelming or too much to read. It’s not. Plus the Holy Spirit will give you exactly what you need for TODAY!!
And speaking of today… my scriptural surprise today was Matthew 2, 3, and 4!! Yes I read all 3 chapters and learned more about Jesus. Check it out. It’s a story that it worth reading again and again. You will learn so much just from reading those 3 chapters.
Here’s what else the Holy Spirit said to me this morning:
Believe me. Read My Word daily so you can know what to believe. Then you will know what word to stand on. Don’t just believe what someone else has told you. You have the ability to read the Word for yourself and study the Word for yourself. The Holy Spirit will guide you and give you clarity.
Whatever I assign you to do, just do it to the max! (I saw my Nike Air Max in my closet and that’s the thought I had when I read the tongue of the shoe!!!!).
This morning I realized too that the more I learn, the more I realize how the enemy was really trying hard for me NOT to learn more about God. See the more I learn, the more powerful I realize that I am. And the stuff the enemy used to fool me with, he can’t fool me with no more. When I truly learn, receive and believe God’s Word, I can be bold and full of confidence!! Praise God for the learning!!! Let’s learn together so we can live a life full of purpose for God!
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A Word from God.