Live Off the Land & Write It Down!

God’s Word

God’s Word


This morning I woke up after having spent the best time with some of the best people in the world…one of my life group circles. Last night we had a Christmas fellowship and it was everything I have ever wanted from a sister circle. It was a room full of strong, powerful, prayer warriors, who all know they are on assignment by God. We laughed until tears came out of our eyes playing games, and ate more food than we knew we should! We took pics, we prayed, and were given empowering and comforting gifts from several of the sisters! I even sold out of my book stash that I had on hand with me!! I low-key had an impromptu private book signing! LOL!!

But last night was more than I ever even imagined for myself, being apart of such like-mindedness!! I am thankful to the Lord for placing these awesome women in my life. Once again, my efforts to be obedient and put myself in life groups at church has completely changed my life and benefited me greatly; because as you know, you wouldn’t be reading this blog if it hadn’t been for the 1 Hour Prayer Challenge Life Group that I joined in February! Bottom Line: It makes a difference when you are intentional about WHO you spend your time with and HOW you spend your time.

This morning, after eating too much peach cobbler last night, I wobbled myself out of bed. LOL! No seriously, I am awaiting my new gym to open up this month and I can’t wait to get up in there and sweat off these extra pounds I have gained over the last several months. But anyway, the Holy Spirit gave me some real reminders this morning and I love how it all came together. Check it out!

The Holy Spirit said this:

  • All things are possible with Me, therefore the possibilities are endless.

  • Dream even BIGGER!

  • Think outside of the box because My thoughts are higher!

  • Get out of the box and look up to the hills. Your help comes from Me! (Psalm 121:1)

  • Do what I called you to do and it will be so easy that you will glide right on into it with ease.

  • You will take all your experience and and use it, because I don’t waste anything.

  • Everything you have been through, will in some way shape what you’re going into!

  • Think beyond where you are, what you have already done, and how it will happen.

  • Just Dream BIGGER!

When I opened my bible for the Scriptural Surprise, I landed on Joshua 18 and the title of the portion I read in verses 1-10 is Land Distribution At Shiloh. When I was reading from my new Tony Evans Study Bible (LOL), I heard the Lord say, how long will you take to go get the land that I have already given to you?

Now, I have to share a quick story with you. I was recently looking for a space to hold an event and I thought I had found it, but the space actually closed down before I could even hear back on hosting an event there! I was like…wow, that’s cray. So I was really trying to figure out what to do about this event, and I was low key stressing about it because I thought it was something the Lord had assigned for me to do before the year was out (and we only have 19 days left). But after some STILL TIME with the Lord a few days ago, I realized that things weren’t flowing easy and I was trying to force the event. How many of you know that when you try to force it, that’s you and not God? With God, you won’t have to force it. My Pastor confirmed this yesterday at Prayer Service and said when it’s God, it will flow and not be force-fitted (cue me shouting right now…again)!

Okay, back to the event space. When I reflected on the event space that I had tried to book, I realized that I was actually settling. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted and to be honest, it was small, so a lot of people wouldn’t have been able to fit in it either. But I was TRYING TO FORCE IT by having the event before the end of the year. I couldn’t even see it, but God blocked it by shutting the business doors of the place!! Because real talk…I wouldn’t have stopped if He hadn’t stopped me. A lesson I learned is to continuously seek wisdom and discernment on assignments. And to pray and ask God to block anything not of Him, in Jesus name. We can be on assignment by God, but if we are forcing it, that’s not God.

But now that I just sit and reflect on it….the whole time I was looking for an event space, I wasn’t seeing it. You know why? Because I wasn’t dreaming bigger. I was trying to force fit the vision God gave me into an existing space, when all the while, the Lord was saying, YOU will create this space and own it!!!! Y’all, on my vision board that I created during Thanksgiving with my family, I have the following words: LIVING OFF THE LAND. Then when I read Joshua 18 this morning, it’s talking about LAND DISTRIBUTION. And Dr. Tony Evans brought the message right on home to me by breaking down the scriptures in the study portion of the bible. It was Joshua 18:3 that stood out most to me:

So Joshua asked the Israelites. “How long will you delay going out to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your fathers, gave you? Joshua 18:3 CSB

Dr. Evans broke it down like this in the study bible:

We are reminded that though God’s promises may be within our reach, they may not be in our hands. God had promised Israel the land, but the people still had to do the work of taking it. Similarly, God feeds the birds of the sky (Matthew 6:26), but they still have to hunt for their worms. God has a purpose for your life, but you must walk with him by faith to see that purpose become a reality. ~ The Tony Evans Study Bible

As I was looking at what the Holy Spirit said to me this morning, what my vision board already had on it, what the scriptural surprise said, and a constant vision of the type of place I was trying to find to hold the events, I got my assignment! Nope, I don’t know all the details and I don’t need to. I will continue to pray for wisdom because WISDOM from God will get me exactly where He wants me to be! But I do need to write it down! In Joshua 18:4 it says

Appoint for yourselves three men from each tribe, and I will send them out. They are to go and survey the land,WRITE A DESCRIPTION of it for the purpose of their inheritance, and return to me. Joshua 18:4 CSB

One of the things that I have learned this year is to WRITE IT DOWN! In the earlier part of this year when I began praying every morning, I was watching a bunch of Dr. Myles Munroe YouTube videos and the line that he would say on every single video is: WRITE THIS DOWN. Habakkuk 2:2 MSG says, And then God answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.”

This morning, your assignment is to WRITE DOWN WHAT GOD IS SHOWING YOU!

P.S. As I was creating today’s graphics for the blog, the design program I use always pops up different quotes as the pics are being downloaded. Guess what quote pops up today?

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” Nelson Mandela

It was like another hug of encouragement from the Lord!

Hearts & Hugs & LAND OWNERSHIP





End of Year Sale.png


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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A Word from God.

A Word from God.


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