Encouragement Ink

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Markie Mark

Markie Mark!

The Passion Translation


This morning I didn’t have ANY problems coming up off that new mattress. Why? I did NOT want God to be like…”seriously Fon, you’re back to negotiating more sleep time?” Since I didn’t want to hear that, I got right on up at 5 a.m. and yes the new mattress felt great. I was so tired though, even my sofa would have slept comfortably last night! LOL!

Yesterday’s blog was a whole Word from the Lord. I mean the Holy Spirit just took over on the seed conversation and guess where the Holy Spirit took me this morning during prayer time? The book of Mark and guess what’s in the book of Mark? You don’t know? Well let me tell you. A whole SEED story! So go and check out Mark, chapter 4. But don’t skip over to chapter 4, start at Mark chapter 1! I promise you, God has a word for you in Markie Mark today! The Holy Spirit said, read my word and I will show you more than you know right now. I read chapters 1-6 and the Holy Spirit gave me new revelation and appreciation for the Word.

So again, I don’t care if you have read it before, get your Bibles out right now and read it again, especially the part about the seeds. Yesterday, you were instructed to sow seeds. Today, go read in Mark, chapter 4 to dig deeper (HA!). It’s a mighty word. Here’s just a snippet:

The farmer went out to plant some seeds. When he scattered the seeds, some seeds fell on a footpath, some fell on shallow soil, some fell among thorns, and some fell on fertile soil. Now go read what happened to each seed!

Then chapter 4, verse 9 says : “Anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand!”

Listeeeen y’all. Them seeds we talked about yesterday…make sure you know where you’re planting them. You are the farmer in this story. Read Chapter 4, verses 14-20 and make sure you read it in the New Living Translation or a translation that you can comprehend too! You don’t want to be sowing the wrong way nah!

Another verse that stood out in all of my reading of Mark was in chapter 5, verse 19.

But Jesus said, “No, go home to your friends, and tell them what wonderful things the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.” Mark 5:19 NLT

When was the last time you told your friends what wonderful things the Lord has done for you? The Holy Spirit told me this morning that it’s time to tell all the wonderful stories that have been happening to me lately. So I am going to write that up so I can share it with you in a future blog. One thing I can tell you right now, is that God is faithful, and He has been blessing me beyond my wildest imaginations in the areas of my gifts, my calling, and my finances. My assignments were to focus on my finances and write everyday. Before each blog, I review my finances from the previous day. It’s a consistent task that has made a huge difference and God has blessed me with donations from people that would have never crossed my mind to donate!

Then I write this blog everyday. Again, another consistent task that has made a big difference. God has sent me confirmation after confirmation from you all that He is doing some wonderful things in your lives through this blog, and getting you right where He wants you to be.

He has blessed me to be able to do what He has called me to do…and I am so thankful for it!!

Well, I am headed to the Mississippi Book Festival (no I am not one of the authors this year), but I am going to support some other authors and just be in the mix of other writers like me :-) It’s my first time attending so I am super excited about what God will do with today!

Have a blessed Saturday.

P.S. Feel free to share with me some of the wonderful things the Lord has done for you. I can be reached at info@onassignmentbyGod.com



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A Word from God.

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