Pace Yourself
Pace Yourself!
The Passion Translation
This morning I woke up about 30 minutes later than my normal time. I have noticed that since the 1- Hour Prayer Challenge is over, my get-up isn’t as quick. I got up and prayed about that. I worshipped God and then I just prayed about it. The challenge kept me accountable, and now it was up to me solely to be accountable. I realize as I type this blog that I actually thrive in accountability! So that means, I need to stay connected to an accountability partner. This is truly a revelation to me because I have always thought I was pretty accountable on my own. I still believe that I am, but the difference is in “the start.” What I mean by that is, when I have an accountability partner, HOW I start is more energetic because I KNOW someone is waiting to hear from me. When I don’t have that person(s) waiting on me, then I tend to allow myself a little more breathing room.
Guess what? In this season that God has me in, I don’t want ANY room for any other spirits to try to BREATHE doubt, negativity, perfectionist, or anything that keeps from doing what God has assigned me to do. I don’t ever want to get so comfortable that I try to do life on my own. That’s certainly not how God intended. That’s why it’s so important to connect to like-minded people who are moving in the same direction as you are. We all need support to do God’s will in our lives. With that being said, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you to the right accountability partner. You want to make sure they are being led by the Holy Spirit as well.
If you’re not connected to a good, bible-based church, where you feel excited to go to church and connect with people, then pray and ask God to lead you where HE wants you to be. I heard this the other day: I don’t want to be anywhere, where God isn’t there.
Okay, I know that was a lot of me talking, but I felt in my spirit that I needed to be transparent and share a word of encouragement in that moment. Now, let’s get to My Conversation With God this morning:
Don’t do anything else before you complete your assignments. (Okay, y’all I know exactly what the Holy Spirit means here. He means stay off social media, and get off the phone with family and friends so I can focus. Even if it is well-intentioned conversations, have those conversations AFTER I finish my assignments).
Make a new list of all your assignments AGAIN and put due dates on them. Post the assignments where you can see them daily. (So I have totally been feeling a bit overwhelmed with my assignments, and I know doing this will get me back on track.)
Everything will be okay. Just keep doing what I tell you.
Even when you don’t get it all right, or get it all done, I love you and I see you! (THIS!! Y’all my only desire is to please God and sometimes the enemy tries to make me feel some kinda way for not doing everything right or perfect, but I love that the Holy Spirit still loves me and still sees me. YES!!! I just have to remember this AT ALL TIMES).
Pace yourself. (Wow! It’s no coincidence that I have seen two turtles in the last two weeks at my home. I saw one on Sunday in the backyard and as I watched the turtle make his/her way across my backyard, God said, even when you move slow, you’re still moving forward and making progress. That turtle made it all the way to the back of my yard faster than I expected)!
It’s okay. You’re still making progress. You are not anywhere near where you used to be. Remember that! Everything is a process, so don’t get caught up in the timing or the pace. (Thank you Holy Spirit for these words of affirmation. Totally my love language).
And stop trying to figure every thing out!!! That’s why you’re feeling overwhelmed. Let go of control. Don’t try to control anything. Just do what I ask of you daily. This new thing that I am doing is more of a marathon. There will be some things that I want you to do with urgency, but not everything I give you to do is urgent, nor can it be done quickly. So pace yourself Fon.
WOW! I just love My Conversations With God! Everything I need: unconditional love, words of affirmation, and course correction to keep me in alignment with His will for my life. Praise the Lord!!!
And all of this conversation is being brought to you because of my prayer life! Thank you Jesus!
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A Word from God.