Wait On Me
Wait on Me!
EASY Translation
I woke up on time today! As I went into the prayer closet, I remembered a portion of the dream I had last night. It was a girl not clothed properly and there were boys around her. I begin to pray immediately for young girls. I prayed against the attacks of the enemy. This isn’t the first time I have prayed in this area and I don’t watch enough news or TV anymore, but I do know that praying in the Spirit will cover whatever it is that I don’t know about or understand. I prayed for all children. I prayed for all summer camps. I prayed for predators to be denied entrance into any summer camps under the guise of camp workers. I prayed for God to protect our children period!
This morning after I prayed and begin to listen for the Holy Spirit to speak to me, I felt like I didn’t hear the Holy Spirit like I heard yesterday. It’s dawning on me now that every day won’t be full of words, and you can’t FORCE the Holy Spirit to talk to you the way He talked to you the previous day. That’s the controlling part of me. One thing I DO know is that He will fill me everyday with His presence.
As I relaxed in the prayer closet, I said, “Holy Spirit I trust you. I really do." I know you will give me exactly what I need to hear and what I need to write.” He replied, “Don’t forget to ask me about everything, even the stuff you consider small, ask Me.” Then I heard, “Don’t move before I answer. If I haven’t answered, just wait. I have you waiting for a reason. You have to be in the right position to hear me. Sometimes you can’t hear me because I am not in that specific place that you are. Reposition yourself. And Wait.
As I continued to listen, I opened my Bible and read Acts chapters 1-2 and then I read Isaiah 10:34. It was confirmation of the prayers I had prayed to root out the enemy for our children.
The Mighty One will cut down the enemy as an ax cuts down the forest trees in Lebanon.” Isaiah 10:34 New Living Translation
The main thing that I heard this morning is wait on me. Sometimes we want to force God’s timing, but as Habakkuk 2:3 says in part, ‘it may not happen for a long time, but wait for it.’ God knows what He is doing. God is the past, the present, and the future…so waiting on Him is the smartest thing we could ever do to stay in His Will for our lives. Thank You GOD!!
I am headed to Wednesday morning prayer service (on time). I pray that you will be encouraged to study God’s word and learn more about Him while you’re waiting on Him to answer your prayers.
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A Word from God.