New Season of Preparation and Organization
New Season of Preparation and Organization
Contemporary English Version
It’s the second day of the new month and I heard the Holy Spirit say get prepared and organized like never before and watch what I do when you get organized!
Here is the instructional conversation I had with the Holy Spirit this morning:
Get prepared and organized in the areas that need it in your life.
Think about all the times when you wish you had been more prepared. Write those times down.
Now, get prepared in those specific areas that you wrote down.
Preparation and organization is required of you in this season.
Don’t be unprepared and unorganized in this new season. Now is the time to do it.
Take the time to prepare and organize.
When you are organized, you will be prepared to follow my instructions even easier.
As I was hearing this, I thought about how Jesus fed the multitude of 5000 people. He told the disciples to feed them and when they asked how, He gave instructions. One of the instructions He gave was to have the people sit down in groups on the grass. In the Amplified Bible version (see picture above), it says that when the people sat down (meaning they followed the instructions), they looked like an orderly arrangement of colorful garden plots. The Message Bible said they looked like a patchwork quilt of wildflowers spread on the green grass. Once the people were organized, Jesus prepared the meal by taking the five loaves and two fish and looked up to heaven. Then He blessed it and broke it and gave it to the disciples to pass out to the organized groups.
You know the rest of the story. They ATE GOOD! And there were leftovers!!! Jesus had them to gather the leftovers into baskets (still organized)!
Today I want to encourage you as I was encouraged this morning to get organized as a means of preparation for the miracle that Jesus is about to do in your life. Get organized and watch how the Lord satisfies!
And get excited about the leftovers too! When you get organized, you won’t even have room enough to contain all the blessings that are coming your way!
Prepare and get organized this weekend! AMEN!!
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