A Clear Mind & A Clear Path
A Clear Mind & A Clear Path
Contemporary English Version
It’s Saturday morning and I hope you are prayed up, and now getting organized (see yesterday’s blog on Preparation and Organization). Lately I have been waking up later than 5 a.m. to pray. I want to always be transparent with you because sometimes many of us can get off track thinking that if we don’t pray at a certain time, you may as well not do it. I started off praying at 5:45a.m. for 15 minutes a day and now I wake up to praise and worship music at 5, but due to my not going to bed at a decent time, I sleep a little longer and then I get up to pray for an hour. I want to get back to my 5 a.m. prayer time and I will. I am going to start going to bed early. School is about to be back in session for my kids, so this summer schedule is about to be over with (and I am glad about it). LOL!
This morning me and the Holy Spirit had a great conversation. Here’s what I heard:
I am giving you a clear mind and a clear path.
I am making the path clear for you.
I am clearing your mind.
The path that I am clearing for you is a path that you previously thought was impassable, but I need you to revisit the direction that I pointed you in before. That path is now clear.
The coast is now clear to move.
I will be with you on the path. You are never alone. I am always here walking with you, walking ahead of you, and walking behind you.
I got you covered all the way around.
The path is NOW clear.
The runway is now clear for takeoff.
Don’t even think about the path being blocked like it was before. I had to get you prepared and ready for this journey. I had to go ahead of you and prepare the path, so that now it will be so much easier for you to navigate and go through it.
I have cleared the path for you.
As I was hearing this from the Holy Spirit, I wrote it down and then I grabbed my Bible and before I opened it for the scriptural surprise, I asked the Lord to give me a specific word about path. Now again, when I open my Bible, I open it randomly. I love to see how the Holy Spirit answers my specific requests right there in the moment. If you have never done that, it is so amazing. I am always in awe of it every single time!!!
So I opened my Bible to Isaiah 39 and 40. I read both chapters and guess what I read in verses 3 through 5? I want you to do me a favor and open up your Bible or your Bible app and read it!! And the blog’s main picture today is verse 3 so that gives you a clue. But y’all, I read this verse and I was like…WOW! The Holy Spirit guided me RIGHT to a verse in the Bible about CLEARING THE PATH WAY FOR THE LORD! I can’t even express in words how the time I spend with God is so beyond my capabilities of comprehension. How He loves me so much that He answers me so specifically and so directly! Let this be encouragement to you to spend time with God and allow Him to do this for you! The feeling is absolutely the best feeling ever!
As I read the rest of chapter 40, I landed on the last verse. And that verse was for another area of my life. The clear mind and clear path conversation was for a specific area in my business, but Isaiah 40:31 was reiteration on me being in a waiting season for love. God is telling me to wait for Him and not get ahead of Him. As I wait, I will gain new strength, and renewed power, but most of all, I will be closer to Him (I’m laughing because you can read that in a whole different way). But I will be closer to God and as I get closer to God, He will allow me to be found by him. AMEN!!! LOL!!!
Y’all have a happy Saturday and keep praying!
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A Word from God.
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