Stay Focused, Faithful, and Prayerful
Stay Focused, Faithful, and Prayerful
Contemporary English Version
This Monday morning, we are waking up in America praying for those in El Paso and Dayton. I won’t go into details on my blog, but I will stand on Ephesians 6:18 where the Bible says to never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God’s people. That’s why it’s so important for us to pray…it is necessary!
This morning the Holy Spirit said this to me:
Stay focused, faithful, and prayerful.
Don’t eat out of season fruit.
Focus on what I have you doing in THIS SEASON.
Be obedient.
Go to bed earlier and be relentless about your bedtime because I need you to be prepared and well rested in this season.
Prayer about everything from the least thing to the greatest thing. Nothing is too small or too big to pray for.
My scriptural surprise came from Matthew, chapters 24 and 25. The stand out verse was Matthew 24:42. It says for us to be on OUR guard, for we don’t know when the Lord will come.
As we begin this 5th day of August, I pray that we will be encouraged to pray about everything and never stop praying; be obedient to our assignment; and don’t focus on anything OUT OF SEASON. This season has specific requirements and we don’t know when the Lord will return, so we need to be prepared through prayer!
I encourage you all to purchase my new book (see link below), but I also want to encourage you to purchase Prayers That Rout Demons by John Eckhardt! This book has been just what I need as I develop a deeper relationship with the Lord through prayer. There is lot more that we need to be praying for and this book is awesome for showing you what to pray for and how to pray!
Have a blessed Monday!!
I’m currently mailing autographed copies of Permission Slips our right now. If God lays it on your heart to support, I am greatly appreciative. Consider donating a book to someone who needs encouraging.
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