Repent From Mediocrity!
Repent from Mediocrity!
Contemporary English Version
This morning I got up feeling much better than I have felt in the last few days. Why? Because I actually went to bed at a decent time. You know the Holy Spirit told me yesterday to go to bed earlier so I made sure me and the kids were shutting the house down and getting into bed early. I needed more sleep and they needed to prepare for earlier bed times because school starts Wednesday (YAAAAAAAAY!!!)!! I am so excited about school starting. I am so thankful I survived a whole summer with the kids. It was a good summer and while we didn’t do any real traveling this summer, I know that God will bless us to travel soon enough and it will be well worth the wait!
This morning the Holy Spirit and I had a talk and He said…I want your best! Now I will admit that I am a recovering perfectionist, but what I realized is that I was only a perfectionist in certain areas of my life. Is that you too? Do you do things really good when certain people are watching or when you want to receive certain results?
I found an error in my recently published book, Permission Slips, and it made me want to read through the whole book again with a fine tooth comb, to see if there was anything else (plus there is a charge to fix anything in the book, so I may as well get all the errors I can find now). I was reading through and seeing all kinds of little stuff! My perfectionist was getting more and more annoyed at each error that I found! But when I thought back to the point before I published it, I realized that I had been too distracted to read it again to look for these small errors that I was now finding (especially now since I have launched the book)! The errors aren’t so major that you can’t get the message of the book (thank God), but it’s still not MY BEST! And that’s what the Holy Spirit and I talked about this morning.
Here’s our conversation:
I want your best!
Don’t give me worthless sacrifices.
Don’t just go through the motions.
Give me your best effort in everything.
Give me your best praise.
Give me your best self.
Honor me with your best.
As I was listening to what the Holy Spirit was saying, the word REPENT came up. Repent means to turn from. Then as I was preparing to close my journal this morning, I heard, Repent from Mediocrity! That means turn from mediocrity. Go in the opposite direction of being mediocre. Now the old me who used to curse (cuss) a little bit, translated that into, ‘don’t be doing stuff half-donkey’! I won’t say the word, but I think you get the picture, and sometimes a different translation will drive the point home even more. LOL!
Be encouraged today to give God your best. The question that will help us both be obedient to His instructions today is: What is your best? If we can journal the answer to this question, I believe we will not just be reading or hearing from God, we will be DOING what He is commanding us to do…identifying our best and doing it!
Have a great Tuesday and do your best today in all things!
Oh yeah, before I forget…the scriptural surprise came from Malachi 1-3. Go read it! Perfect for today’s message!
P.S. I plan to finish reading my book today so that I can fix the errors and resubmit it to the printer. If you got a copy with errors, forgive me. I pray that God’s message reigned supreme over any editorial distraction, in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!
Thanks for the love and support of the book! The feedback has blown my mind and I give God all the praise!
I’m currently mailing autographed copies of Permission Slips our right now. If God lays it on your heart to support, I am greatly appreciative. Also consider buying a copy and donating a book to someone who needs encouraging.
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