Go Do What Nah?
Go Do What Nah?
Contemporary English Version
This morning I got up at 5 a.m. and let me say this…it felt so good to be back to my early wake up time! School started today for my kids, and there was no time to play mattress and pillow negotiations this morning (LOL). I got up, I prayed, and guess what else, the the Holy Spirit gave me a Word through the scriptural surprise! So the blog gonna be different today because I have to share this Word the way the Holy Spirit gave it to me!
Let’s get into it!!
Today when I opened my Bible randomly, the Holy Spirit had my fingers turn to 2 Kings 4 and 5. I started reading about the prophet Elisha! You need to go read it for yourself, but here’s what the Holy Spirit showed me this morning!
First the Holy Spirit said this: When I give it to you, there will ALWAYS be more than enough!
See in 2 Kings, chapter 4, the widow woman had some debt and the creditors were threatening to come and take her sons as slaves to pay off the debt. How many times has the phone rang from people calling and harassing you because you haven’t paid your debt? If I can be transparent right now, many times for me! And I got so annoyed at THEM because they are calling for what I owe. Anyway, the Prophet Elisha said, what do you have in the house? (2 Kings 4:2). She said she didn’t have nothing…EXCEPT a flask of olive oil! Okay, let’s stop right there. God revealed to me that what I already have will play a part part in the miracle! What I ALREADY have will contribute to my debt payoff!!! Okay, let’s keep going before I start shouting too much!
Then the Prophet gave her instructions based on what she had ALREADY. He told her to borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbors. Then go into your house and shut the door behind you. Those were very specific instructions. Now the widow woman went right on and did what the prophet told her to do. She didn’t ask no questions. She was immediately obedient.
She filled all the jars with the oil and the oil never stopped flowing until she ran out of jars. Then the prophet told her to sell the olive oil and pay off her debts AND there will be enough money LEFTOVER to support you and your sons!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAASSSSSS GOD! I’m shouting now!!!
I heard the Holy Spirit say: The instructions won’t always make sense to you, but follow them exactly because the blessing will be on the other side of your obedience!
Then I kept reading into chapter 5. But be sure to read all of chapter 4 because Elisha did even more in that chapter that resulted in leftovers!! {Side Shout Note: I am so thankful that God will provide more than enough and there will be leftovers!}
Now in Chapter 5, there was a man named Naaman who was a mighty warrior but he suffered from leprosy, a contagious skin disease. A little girl who was being held captive and serving as a maid for Naaman’s wife suggested that Naaman should go see the prophet to get healed. Now I am going to skip ahead to the part when Naaman was sent to the prophet Elisha’s house to get healed. Naaman sat at the door of Elisha’s house and waited. The prophet Elisha sent out a messenger with specific instructions for Naaman to go and wash himself seven times in the Jordan River, and then his skin will be restored and he will be healed of leprosy.
The verse that stood out to me was 2 Kings 5:11 (the blog’s main picture for today). Naaman got angry and walked off all mad and mumbling. He was like, I thought he would surely come out to meet me. I expected him to wave his hand over the leprosy and call on the name of the Lord to heal me. And why the Jordan River? Aren’t the Abana River and the Pharpar River of Damascus better than all the rivers of Israel put together? Naaman turned and went away in a rage.
That’s when the Holy Spirit said to me: It’s not gonna be what you think it will be!
See Naaman went to the prophet with his own thoughts and expectations of how he would be healed. He even thought the prophet would heal him directly, but Elisha sent a messenger! How many times have we missed our healing or our blessing because it didn’t come like we thought or we got mad because of the instructions of what we had to do to get it?
Now my favorite part is in 2 Kings 5:13. It says Naaman’s servants tried to reason with him and said “Sir, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, wouldn’t you have done it? So you should certainly obey him when he says simply to go and wash and be cured!”
I heard the Holy Spirit say, the task doesn’t have to be difficult or big for you, for Me to do something great! It’s simple. Obey.
How many times have we thought that we had to work super hard to get a blessing when God gave simple instructions? God says, “Do this.” And we’re like, “Go Do What Nah? That’s it, God? Don’t I have to go to school for 10 years to do that? Don’t have I have to get certified to do that? Don’t I have to have a lot of money to do that? Don’t I have to live in a different city to do that? Don’t I have to have more IG followers to do that?” God says go do this and we come back with doubt that what He is instructing will get us a blessing. SMH!
And to add to that, how many people are around you encouraging you to follow the instructions that God gave you? See after the servants spoke up and encouraged Naaman, he went on to the Jordan and followed the instructions and was healed.
Let me ask you this question: Are you missing your healing because it doesn’t make sense to you HOW it’s gonna work out, and you got people around you feeding your doubt? You know those family members and friends who feed your doubt, right? You say, “I don’t know how this even makes sense or how I am going to do this.” And they reply, “girl me either because that don’t make no sense,” OR “man, me neither dawg, because that don’t add up bruh!” Those kind of friends who feed into your doubt!
Be encouraged to get you some people around you like Naaman’s servants. People that will encourage you to just do what God has said do!
The healing, the blessing, the miracle is on the other side of your obedience to what doesn’t even make sense to you, but it’s exactly what God told you to do!
And the part that the Holy Spirit made sure I saw was that God will STILL bless you, even if you get mad at the instructions and storm off because you thought it was gonna be your way! His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts.
I pray that this message blesses you like it has blessed me!!!! Thank you Holy Spirit!!
Key Points:
When God gives it to you, there will ALWAYS be more than enough! Can you say LEFTOVERS!
The instructions won’t always make sense to you, but follow them exactly because the blessing will be on the other side of your obedience!
It’s not gonna be what YOU think it will be!
The task doesn’t have to be difficult or big for you, for God to do something great!
The healing, the blessing, the miracle is on the other side of your obedience. The sooner you obey, the sooner you receive ALL God has for you!
Obey God & have a blessed Wednesday!
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A Word from God.
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