A Daily Review Is Necessary
A Daily Review Is Necessary!
New Living Translation
Welcome to a new day that you have never seen before! Today I want to encourage you to perform daily reviews. A daily review of your assignments by God and a daily review to identify any distractions that may be keeping you from your assignments by God. Here’s what the Holy Spirit had to say this morning when we chatted. {Side Note: I just had a thought as I was writing. I wanted to write, here’s what the Holy Spirit had to say this morning when we chatted over coffee!}
I am definitely going to explore that thought even further. Sounds like after early morning prayer, I can have mid morning coffee chats with the Holy Spirit!! I’m excited about this because I love coffee convos and this means I will be spending even more time listening to the Holy Spirit! I say YES TO ALL OF IT :-)
The Holy Spirit said this to me this morning:
Don’t listen to everybody. Listen to those I send to you.
You will know they are from me because I will have already told you the same thing.
Let nothing distract you from what I have called you to do.
Keep your assignments in front of you.
Review your assignments daily.
The scriptural surprise today came from Matthew 2-5. The verse that stood out to me was Matthew 4:10-11.
“Get out of here satan,” Jesus told him. “For the Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God; serve only him.’
Then the devil went away, and angels came and cared for Jesus.
Matthew 4:10-11 New Living Translation
Even Jesus was tempted, so you know we will be tempted. The devil doesn’t want us to be focused on our assignment so he will send distractions in all kinds of ways. Just remember to do what Jesus did. Tell the devil to get out of here and then use scripture to further step on his neck!
Remember, to stay on assignment by God, we must review our lives daily to ensure we are doing what God has said do and not what satan has said do. A daily review will make sure you’re not on assignment for satan. With daily prayer and a daily review of our day, we can be armed with the power and awareness of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Have a wonderful Thursday and know that God loves you so much and He knows that you can do it!
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A Word from God.
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