Push Through Imperfections
Push Through Imperfections!
New Living Translation
This morning was not one of those perfect mornings! Matter of fact, I am late writing this blog post because when my praise alarm went off, I listened to the music and guess what happened? I went back to sleep! Yup! I told myself that I would get up when the song went off and that did not happen! When I did get up, I was running behind on my new “kids are in school” schedule. I immediately felt my perfectionist anxiety try to rise up. I also started to feel like…awe man, how I am going to pray for an hour and not get interrupted by the kids. I went back and forth in my mind for a little while, then I just said…pray. Just pray Fon. So that’s what I did and hear is what I heard the Holy Spirit say during my prayer time:
Don’t get caught up in perfection. Just obey Me.
Get even closer to Me when you feel like you’re not doing something right.
Don’t get so caught up in a routine that you can’t accomplish My will when things suddenly change or when things don’t go the way they have always gone.
The Holy Spirit will navigate you through sudden changes and uncertain circumstances when you give him access to do so.
You can trust that My will still will be done when you keep obeying me through it all.
I felt so encouraged after this. I mean at first I was feeling a bit disappointed at myself for falling back asleep, but I recognized that it was the enemy trying to make me feel bad. God never makes us feel bad. Yes He corrects us, but it’s done in love and it’s not done to make us feel bad. He will use us if we keep surrendering and giving Him permission daily. I am a living witness that the Holy Spirit DID in fact navigate me this morning. I am on my way and nothing can stop me from doing what God has called me to do!! Check out how the message translation reads for Philippians 3: 12-14! It is speaking my language for real!!
Message Bible Translation
The scriptural surprise today came from Luke 6. The stand out verses were 46-49, where Jesus talks about obeying Him and using the illustration of a house built on a solid foundation when we listen and obey. Check out the entire sixth chapter of Luke. It’s very instructional on what to do and what not to do.
Another verse that stood out to me, was verse 42. If I may use my own translation, it basically says, don’t be coming over here trying to tell me what I need to do with my stuff, when you clearly got bigger problems than me. You trying to help me get rid of a speck in my eye and you got a log in yours.
I love how the New Living Translation says this part of verse 42: First get rid of the log from your own eye; then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye. Baaaaby, that ‘then perhaps’ is my kind of attitude. Lord help me. LOL!!! It’s saying even if you do get your log out, don’t be coming over here acting like you all that now. LOL LOL LOL LOL!! You JUUUUUST got that big log out of your eye! You might need to just let that heal some more before you go trying to start a business removing specks and logs out of folks eyes!! LOL LOL LOL!! Yall I am laughing so hard right now!!! LOL!!! Anyway!
One more thing! Be strong and energized is also what I heard the Holy Spirit say to me this morning, so I encourage you to do the same on this Friday! Be STRONG. Be ENERGIZED!
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A Word from God.
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