

New Living Translation

New Living Translation


This is a brand new month and I am excited to see how God will use me this month to accomplish His will on earth.

This morning I woke up to pray and I heard the Holy Spirit say relationship restoration. I begin to pray for marriages, friendships, and families. I then heard RESET! You can reset with Me!

The Holy Spirit gave me these three words: divine encounters, limitless, and unlimited. I looked up the words and limitless means without end, and unlimited is a synonym to the word limitless, and it means not restricted in terms of number, quantity, or extent.

i wasn’t sure of the connection of all of this. I then heard from the Holy Spirit, “not doubt, but peace.” He said, “don’t doubt what I can do, have peace about what I am doing.

As I sat there still seeking the revelation, I opened my bible for the scriptural surprise to the book of Jeremiah and read chapters 3-4. The stand out verses were in chapter 4:1-2.

” O Israel, come back to me,” says the Lord. “If you will throw away your detestable idols and go astray no more, and if you will swear by my name alone, and begin to live good, honest lives and uphold justice, then you will be a blessing to the nations of the world, and all the people will come and praise my name.”

The revelation!! Hit the reset button today and throw out anything in your life that is not of God. It doesn’t matter how many times you hit the reset button or have hit the reset button either. What matters is that you reset to the default plan God originally had for your life when He created you! Anything else that’s not of Him needs to be thrown out.

Today marks a new day and a new month we have never seen before. Because God’s love is unlimited and unrestricted, you can have a divine encounter with Him today and reset your life in Him!

I declare this month to be even more amazing than last month!!! Hit the reset button and watch how you function better than ever before!! ___________________________________________________________________________________

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A Word from God.

A Word from God.