Straight Crooked
Straight Crooked!
New Living Translation
I woke up this morning super excited to be back in my prayer closet. Oh what an amazing adventure I had traveling for the last 5 days from New Orleans to Miami to Atlanta (brief layover), back to New Orleans and then back home to Mississippi. And guess what? I had my prayer time in each place.
I am thankful to God that prayer is such a priority in my life that I do it wherever I go. And I’m so glad that prayer is a part of my daily life. Nope, it didn’t just happen overnight, I had to start small. Be encouraged today to start small and watch the hand of our Big God move in your life in a mighty way. It’s so amazing to me (a person who previously professed not being a morning person), that I wake up EARLY every morning to pray. It doesn’t matter what time I go to bed (I try to go earlier), I will still wake up to pray for an hour!!
This morning as I was worshipping through the Holy Spirit in the prayer closet and praying, I started thinking about how God orchestrates things and sets things up. You have to be spiritual to see the hand of God moving. It’s amazing to see how He sets things up. When you surrender and relinquish control, the Holy Spirit will show you things, confirm things, and allow you to see things manifested that you prayed for.
I prayed for an awesome trip and God blessed me to have an amazingly awesome trip. I found money just laying on the ground, and I saw the hand of God move directly on assignments He told me to complete prior to my trip!! I prayed on the beach, I fellowshipped with a like-minded sister friend, I worshipped at Vous Church in Miami, and I had a great time with my sorority sisters from college as we celebrated 20 years of sisterhood. It was absolutely amazing!!! So amazing that I told God this morning that I am still in awe and still kind of overwhelmed with it all.
I wanted to share all of that because I truly believe it is important for you to see the hand of God move in your life as a person committed to prayer. Now, other than His awesomeness (which is enough for me), here’s what else me and God had a conversation about today:
Crooked paths straight or straight paths crooked. I can do both!
I orchestrate so you can see My hand move.
Set ups. When you do it without me, I can still set it up for you to get back on the path, plan, and purpose that I set up originally for your life.
When I set it up, you don’t and won’t have to explain anything!
Now I have to share this other amazing moment that happened in the prayer closet this morning. So I was praying and hearing God talk about how He can make crooked paths straight and how He can set things up and arrange for me to be at a certain place at a certain time. How He can cause divine encounters and collisions for His glory. How He can put the right people in your path at just the right moment. I was smiling and just thanking God for being WHO HE IS and how He orchestrates! Then I grabbed my Bible for the scriptural surprise and guess what verse I landed on? Ecclesiastes 7:13!!!
Notice the way God does things; then fall into line. Don’t fight the ways of God, for who can straighten out what he has made crooked?” Ecclesiastes 7:13 New Living Translation
I just sat there in the prayer closet, once again in awe of God’s orchestration in me opening my bible to the exact page with a verse that talked about straight and crooked!!!! WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! I don’t know about you, but when the Holy Spirit does that…I just sit there in awe! I was praying and hearing in my Spirit about Him making crooked paths straight like in Luke 3:5 and Isaiah 45:2 and here He goes and orchestrates me to see Ecclesiastes 7:13!!! The message today is God is in total control. He can make the straight crooked and the crooked straight. Not us! We can’t MAKE straight what He has made crooked! We shouldn’t fight the ways of God. We just need to relinquish control and fall into line! The verse says for us to notice the way God does things, then fall into line. When you see the hand of God move, fall into line!
Be encouraged today to seek God always and get His permission in everything you do!!!
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A Word from God.