Waiting on Him!

Waiting on Him!

New Living Translation

New Living Translation


My conversations with God can be so personal sometimes. Well they are all personal, but sometimes they sound more “corporate” than others. Today was one of those mornings where I just talked to Him as my friend, even though He is my Father in Heaven. My tone was more conversational today, like you would have when talking to a friend. It felt so relaxing to just talk my prayers out to Him. I prayed and chatted in a way where He chatted right back. This is how the conversation went this morning:

Me: Lord you know the desires of my heart and while I am happy for them, I wonder when it will be my turn.

Holy Spirit: When you feel like I am not answering your prayers, stay calm…I am actually orchestrating and putting people in place. Wait before you make any sudden moves. I will make the sudden moves and you will know it’s ALL FROM ME!

Me: Lord I trust your plan for my life. I don’t want to just do it my way anymore. I want it to be ALL FROM YOU!

——then my mind started thinking about all the things I have been through—-

Holy Spirit: Everything you have been through has been preparation for your prayers to be answered, but don’t rush it. I am very detailed oriented and I want you to see that every detail of the answered prayer came from Me!

As I listened to the Holy Spirit just talk to me, I started to think about how I have seen Him orchestrate on my behalf. How certain people have been in certain places at the right time. The thought of how He has done it before increased my faith to know He can and will do it again.

Today’s scriptural surprise was right in line with my conversation with God (that still surprises me every time…like seriously, it will never get old to me). LOL!! The scriptural surprise came from 1 Kings chapter 2 and the stand out verse is 3.

Contemporary English Version

Contemporary English Version

I pray that today you be encouraged to wait on God. Do what He says and follow His instructions. Don’t take matters into your own hands because you see someone else further along than you. Just wait on God to answer your prayers. I promise you, when you wait on Him, the gift will be good and perfect!

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A Word from God.

A Word from God.