Message Version
It’s Friday and I got up this morning feeling a bit stiff. A few days ago my daughter’s wound from two weeks ago sprung a leak. The place where she injured her foot was right on top of an artery and without cause, the blood just started spewing out like a super soaker water gun! This was the same morning that I had awakened around 3 (see the blog from a few days ago). My daughter ended up fainting and I had to carry her limp body to the car. I know it was God who gave me strength in that moment to carry her 80 plus pound limp body to the car. Lord she was so heavy!! We raced to the Emergency Room and the praise report is that she is doing fine, and after a nice massage and some Epson salt soaking, I know my body will be RESTORED too. And speaking of restored, that’s the conversation me and the Holy Spirit had this morning.
As I was praying in the Spirit this morning, I heard, “Don’t MISS what I am doing in the MIDST! When I heard this, I thought about all the ways that we can miss the move of God when our prayers aren’t answered the way WE prayed for them to be answered. In the midst of test and trials, we think God isn’t answering our prayers, but this morning the Holy Spirit wanted me to tell you not to MISS what He is doing in the MIDST of it all. In order not to miss it, you have to put on your spiritual glasses, and not just any glasses, you need the bifocals! Yes! See sometimes God is doing BIG things in a small way, and the only way for you to really see what He is doing, is to use the spiritual bifocal lenses.
Let me share with you what I saw through the spiritual bifocal lenses this week:
The day before I rushed my daughter to the ER, my son was crying hysterically at swim lessons and super afraid to put his face in the water. I prayed for him to be brave and courageous. I really want him to learn to swim and not be like his mommy (I may be taking adult swim lessons soon). Since my daughter’s foot injury hasn’t healed all the way, she can no longer take swim lessons. The swim instructor suggested that instead of a refund for my daughter’s lessons, that I allow my son to take two lessons back to back so that he can get more time in the water. The next day, my son takes two lessons and is now putting his face in the water and more excited than ever about swimming! He is brave and having fun! Spiritual bifocals!
My uncle was in an accident last year and we have been believing God for restoration. Before his daughter got married in a different city from where he was being treated, he was moved to that city a few days before the wedding, which allowed all the family to get a chance to visit with him during the wedding. Spiritual bifocals. The day he was moved, he also was put in a nursing home that my aunt didn’t quite feel comfortable with. My uncle never spent a night in that nursing home because he got to coughing really bad as soon as he arrived and they couldn’t properly treat him with respiratory care so he had to go to the hospital. Spiritual bifocals. My uncle is now in a new nursing home and normally family can’t spend the night. Well on his first night, his roommate hadn’t arrived yet, so they allowed my aunt to stay with him his first night. Spiritual bifocals.
I could really keep going with all the ways that I have SEEN God bless in the midst of what seemed like unanswered prayer situations, but God is sooo faithful! You have to keep those spiritual bifocals on your head so that at any given time, you can put them on and SEE the hand of God moving.
Now, let me tell y’all what else the Holy Spirit said to me this morning about restoration. It came through the scriptural surprise book of Amos, chapters 3-9. Now before I opened my bible this morning, I had a very specific request to the Holy Spirit that the word I open up to would be for me today. I was really excited and opened my bible. I started reading Amos 3 and maaaaaan, I had to keep reading to the END of Amos because it was talking about how the Lord was punishing the people of Israel for not returning to him and living lives full of sin! I was like…ooookkkkkaaaayyyy Lord, uhmmmm, what am I supposed to get from this TODAY? Like I am living right sooooo TODAY this really doesn’t apply to me or does it? LOL! I was straight reading fast trying to get to what I knew He had for me. And when I got to the very end, I mean the end END… praise God…there it was. The promise of restoration in ninth chapter, verses 11-15!
I heard the Holy Spirit say:
I will fulfill my promises to you and restore what has fallen and restore what has been ruined.
I will rebuild your life, your work, and your relationships…and yes your love life (thank you Jesus!)
When the time comes, it will be faster than normal!! (oooohh thank you Jesus!)
When “I” fulfill the promises..meaning “I” will do it, not you or anyone else. When “I” DO IT…WHEN “I “DO IT, WHEN “I” DO IT, emphasis on “I” do it, you will be firmly planted and you will never be uprooted again! (WOOOOOOW!!! THANK YOU JESUS!)
When “I” plant you, no man can pull you up or out!!
I am so thankful for the restoration that God has for me! I believe with all my heart that everything that I have been through in my life when I wasn’t getting His permission, will be RESTORED, and this time what God has joined together, what God has planted, what God has ordained, no man can separate or uproot!
Happy Friday y’all! Be encouraged today to use your spiritual bifocals and SEE God in everything that is happening in your life. He is restoring and He is faithful to fulfill His promises for your life!!! I am sooo excited!
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