His Pace, His Grace
His Pace, His Grace
Contemporary English Version
It’s a whole note pace.
That’s exactly what I heard from the Holy Spirit this morning.
He said: I am making you whole and the pace I want you to go is a WHOLE note pace. I want you to get into my rhythm. Listen to the metronome and hold for 4 beats. That is the pace. Go at this pace and you will experience grace along the way…not half of my grace, not a quarter of my grace, but my WHOLE grace. Keep your eyes affixed on me. Watch me because I may pick up the pace mid-song, but watching me will always have you in rhythm to MY pace for you.
As the Holy Spirit was speaking this to me this morning, I started clapping a whole note count. I played the flute from 7th grade through college and marched in the band. I was even a drum major in high school. As the Holy Spirit was speaking to me, I could clearly understand what he meant. As the drum major, I would count off the beat, 1-2-ready-play, and the band would follow my lead based on how fast or slow I counted off. I found this YouTube video so that you can hear exactly what I did this morning while in the prayer closet. This is the pace that I heard.
Sometimes we think we need to hit the ground running. Or sometimes we feel like we are moving too slow. This morning, the Holy Spirit said, when you go at My pace, you will operate in My grace. You will be right in step with where I am taking you.
When I opened my bible for the scriptural surprise, I read Isaiah chapters 3 through 12! I saw the word WHOLE twice. But the stand out verses were in chapter 8, verses 11-13, where it says:
The Lord has said to me in the strongest terms: Do not think like everyone else does. Do not be afraid that some plan conceived behind closed doors will be the end of you. Do not fear anything except the Lord Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear Him, you need fear nothing else. Isaiah 8:11-13 New Living Translation
Be encouraged this morning not to run the race God is giving you on anyone else’s pace. Keep your eyes on Jesus and listen for the rhythm He gives YOU! That’s YOUR PACE! In this season, He is telling me it’s a whole note pace. I am to HOLD for 4 counts. Whew Jesus! That’s called waiting. Yesterday’s post was get wisdom in the wait and today is hold for 4. I truly believe God is preparing me and I am to keep my eyes on Him through every count…1 Jesus, 2 Jesus, 3 Jesus, 4 Jesus!
Be Blessed today!
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A Word from God.
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