Restoration Comes After We Repent

Restoration Comes After We Repent!

The Message Translation

The Message Translation


What a mighty God we serve!! I have been praying for the people who have been affected by Hurricane Dorian. The news reports keep saying how unprecedented it is for the storm to just stall, but I believe even with a stalled storm, God is still faithful and in control. He is a strong tower and I believe that He can protect us in the midst of a storm. When we say God is with us in the midst, that storm stalling is the midst. I had been praying for the storm to cease and for the storm to move, then I said, Lord protect them in the midst of it. Our God is greater than any projections, any weather report, or anyTHING else! My prayers continue to go forth for them that they will be safe, and as soon as time allows, the outpouring of assistance to help them restore their lives, will come in just like the flood did! God is faithful!

This morning I struggled majorly to get out of the bed. I know. I know. It seems like every day, it’s either I jump up or I struggle. I like to be as transparent as possible in this blog because getting up to pray and blog consistently is no cake walk. I love that the Lord is using me in this manner, and I have benefited greatly from having a closer relationship with Him, and in my commitment in knowing that He is using me for His purposes. That’s why I get up. I know He needs me to do His will on earth. That doesn’t mean the flesh doesn’t make me struggle. My body says stay in the bed, but my heart says get up and pray. My mind is the battlefield of the two. But thanks be to God that even on struggle days, God wins. You know the battle is not mine or yours, it’s the Lord’s battle. So don’t try to do anything in your own strength or power. And speaking of that, as I laid there in the bed and caught a few more minutes of sleep this morning, I had a dream that I got stuck in some kind of moss or grass. No one was around and I was trying to pull myself up on this sidewalk or concrete plank. It was like I was on a shallow hill and the sidewalk was reachable, but my pull up game was weak. I couldn’t pull myself up. It was houses around, but no one was outside to hear me scream for help. I kept trying to use my forearms to pull myself up, but I wasn’t strong enough.

When I finally did wake up out of that dream, I realized something. I can’t pull MYSELF up out of nothing, even when it seems like I should be able to. It is only when I call on the name of Jesus, that He can pull me UP out of any situation (shallow or deep) that is trying to hold me DOWN. I feel like shouting right now!!!

Listen, the enemy tried to keep me bound in the bed this morning. The enemy tried to keep me down in the dream this morning, but God said nope! She has an assignment and a calling on her life, so she HAS to get up, and I am going to pull her up out of this bed right now so she can pray. Thank you Jesus for pulling me up out of the bed this morning. That dream really helped me to see that the devil will try anything, but I am thankful that he is already defeated and no weapon formed against me shall prosper, not even in my dreams!

Today’s scriptural surprise comes from the entire book of Joel (it’s only 3 chapters y’all, so read them all). The stand out verse for me was Joel 2:13 (see the blog main picture for The Message translation). When I read the Bible, I use my actual Bible and then I use the Bible app on my phone to compare the translations. I love how the Message translation broke verse 13 down! The revelation I got from my reading is that, when we repent, God restores. When we turn away from anything that is NOT of God, and turn to Him for everything, He will restore what the enemy tried to steal. Thank you Jesus!!

I also heard the Holy Spirit say: Keep showing up for Me because you never know who is watching You.

My question for you today is: How is God asking YOU to show up for HIM daily? And are you doing it?

Leave a comment or shoot me an email at I’d love to hear from you, pray for you, or just encourage you.

Keep reading the blog. Keep sharing the blog! I appreciate you so much!

P.S. If you haven’t gotten your signed copy of my new book Permission Slips yet, be sure to click the link below! Thank you for your support!



If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.


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A Word from God.

A Word from God.

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Check out my new book release!!

Check out my new book release!!