Sacrifice With No Expectation
New Living Translation
It’s a new week! I pray that you are ready for all that God has for you this week! Are you ready to give God all that you have to serve Him this week? That’s the conversation me and the Holy Spirit had this morning!
Now I am going to be honest and let you know that this morning, I didn’t quite sacrifice my pillow at 5 a.m. I woke up and had a conversation with the Lord about sleeping until 6. I felt okay with knowing that I would get up and pray at a later time, but every single time I do this, I always feel like I am trying to play catch-up for the morning. I’m getting the kids off to school and then coming back to pray. I know God honors my efforts, but it’s my internal mindset of feeling like I didn’t sacrifice FULLY that gnaws at me. But I am thankful that the God I serve uses me, no matter what. And He gives me just the right word I need in these moments.
So I am sure you know now what me the Holy Spirit chatted about this morning…SACRIFICES!!
I read 1 Kings chapters 3 and 4 for the scriptural surprise!! It’s about Solomon and how he sacrificed 1000 burnt offerings to the Lord and after doing that, the Lord came to him in a dream and said, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you.” Solomon asked for wisdom and the Lord was so pleased with Solomon’s request for wisdom, that he gave him what he asked for… and he ALSO gave him what he didn’t ask for! Can you imagine that for your life? God giving you what you asked for PLUS what you didn’t even ask for? That got me so excited! But then I heard the Holy Spirit say: Don’t sacrifice based on what you think I will give you. That’s not the right heart to have. Sacrifice just because you want to, with no expected return.
The Holy Spirit knows our hearts when we don’t have the right motive for our sacrifices. That’s why some sacrifices don’t yield anything in return and/or they are considered tainted sacrifices, because of our heart.
Think about Abraham and how he was being obedient when the Lord asked him to sacrifice his son Issac. He had heart that was willing to sacrifice his son’s life. Are you willing to sacrifice without knowing how the Lord will respond. That was the question that came to mind for me this morning. And then the Holy Spirit said: Be willing to sacrifice out of your comfort zone, without knowing the outcome!
Here’s what else the Holy Spirit said to me:
Sacrifice with no expected return!
Sacrifice when I tell you and don’t try to figure it out. Just go and do it.
I always know your heart when you sacrifice. You can’t pretend with Me.
Are you willing to sacrifice:
your desires?
your wants?
your plans?
your preferences?
your life?
What are you willing to sacrifice to serve the Lord, just because you love Him that much?
Reflect on that question today and write down your answers. Pray and ask God for the right heart in everything you do. One thing I know for sure is that a life fully surrendered to God, is a life that is pleasing to God.
Hearts and Hugs!
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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