Be Patient, Be Still, Take Delight
New Living Translation
Here I am, waking up in the state of Georgia to pray. One thing I have learned over the last 8+ months is that God is soooo faithful! At the beginning of 2019, I had no idea I would have a new book, be traveling, and I definitely didn’t know I would be in THIS SPIRITUAL space! I am so thankful that God was patient with me.
As I was praying in a different place, this morning, I realized that no matter where I am, my prayers will forever go forth unto the Lord. And no matter where I go, I am fully committed to waking up early and praying in whatever space I am in.
This morning, the scriptural surprise was Psalm 37! I already had “promise from God” written on the page from a previous study, but it delighted my heart to see that’s where the Holy Spirit was taking me this morning. I chuckled because last night I was at a book event and the author talked about God’s promises. I’m smiling right now at how God ensures me that I am on the right path in where I go and how I choose to spend my time.
Here’s what me and the Holy Spirit chatted about this morning (and it’s even earlier because I’m on Eastern Time):
You can always find shelter in Me!
In me, you are never alone.
Take delight in me and I will give you your heart’s desires! Psalm 37:4
Don’t be impatient for me to act. Keep traveling steadily along My path. Psalm 37:34
As I was studying this Psalm, the Holy Spirit began to download some visions and I immediately began writing them down! He also said, write down the desires of your heart. So I did just that. What I realized is that I desire to be more like God and for my relationship with a kingdom man to very closely resemble my relationship with God!! The more I wrote, the more I saw that my desires are way more in alignment with who HE is than ever! Side note: God is so patient with us that He allows us to grow spiritually so that our desires and what we pray for aligns with Him more and more. So while we may want to be impatient and ready to get that man, that job, that whatever we thought we wanted, God is being patient for us to grow so that our desires will be His desires for us.
I recently started praying that I only wanted what God wanted for me. I didn’t know what that was when I first prayed that, but now, I am writing down desires that I know God gave me! These are not just what Fon wants anymore because none of them are simply about Me. All of my desires are now centered around God.
I want you to go and read Psalm 37. This chapter really blessed me this morning! The verses that stood out were: 7, 18, 23-24, and 34. This 37th chapter of the book of Psalms is really God’s promise and I am thankful for His promises! All His promises are YES and AMEN!
I am going to grab a few more hours of sleep before I head to downtown Atlanta for a book signing event for me and several other authors. My desire is to receive all that God has for me as I share the book He desired for me to write!!
Hearts and Hugs!
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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