Saturday Morning Study Hall

God’s Word.

God’s Word.


In obedience, the On Assignment By God Blog, now has an audio feature where you can listen to this blog!! Thank you for your prayers as I continue to be obedient and do what God says! Happy Listening!!

One thing I have learned about giving God my first hour in the mornings is that He is in full control! This Saturday morning after I prayed all over my house in my heavenly language, I grabbed my Bible to hear from God. And guess where He sent me? Matthew!! Yes Matthew again. I was like, okay, there must be something ELSE He wants me to see in Matthew. I even intentionally removed my book ribbons so that I wouldn’t flip to the same pages as before and I still landed in Matthew. LOL! When God wants you to get something, He will keep giving it to you, until you get it! That’s a Word right there!

So what did God show me today in His Word on this beautiful Saturday morning? Now this blog may seem like a hodge podge to you, but for me it was like He took me to study hall with His Word. Just like we used to go to study hall in school and study various subjects when you had a test coming up, that’s exactly what I got today…a pass to the Holy Spirit’s study hall. That means God is preparing me for an upcoming test! And He is preparing you too! Here’s what I got from studying Matthew 4 and 5.

I heard the Holy Spirit say the word Pliable. So I wrote it down. I looked it up on Google and it says pliable means easily bent; flexible; bendable. Then I heard the Holy Spirit say, “How pliable are you?” I started to think about that. How flexible am I to God? How bendable am I to God? Am I easily bent when it comes to God or am I hard to bend? When He tries to mold me into something, how bendable am I to His will for my life?

Then I heard the Holy Spirit say: I am the Potter. You are the clay (Jeremiah 18:6). Don’t resist the bending. Don’t resist the breaking. Don’t resist the pruning. I Am the Vine and you are the branches (John 15:5).

After this lesson on being pliable and learning that Jesus is the Potter and Jesus is the Vine. I am the clay and I am the branches. Then I learned about character through the Beattitudes in Matthew 5. The Tony Evans Study Bible helped me deepen my understanding of who I am to BE in Christ.

Only by being desperately dependent on God can you become what He created you to be.

As long as you remain independent and “wild,” you will never maximize God’s intention for you. To be meek is to submit your will to God’s will.

Pure in Heart means to be authentic before God. I am to come clean to God about the good, the bad, and the ugly. When I do that, I will see God operating powerfully in my life! ~ Notes from Tony Evans Study Bible.

The Word of God carries weight! So much weight that Jesus used it against satan when he was tempted in the wilderness (Matthew 4). Jesus told satan, IT IS WRITTEN. Jesus used scriptures and so must we! We must be like Jesus and say, GO AWAY satan!! (Matthew 4:10).

As Christians, we have no obligation to the devil. We have Jesus’s delegated authority against satan. ~ Tony Evans Study Bible

When you look at all that I got just from my time spent with the Word this morning, you can easily see how studying the Word of God will give you everything you need. I learned who I am. I learned how to BE. What kind of character I should have on the inside of me, which will in turn be seen on the outside. And I learned how to deal with the devil.

Now you may say, but I already knew all this and if you knew it, that’s great. The question is, are you being it and are you using the Word in your daily life? I knew Jesus was the potter and I am the clay, but sometimes, I act like I am the potter trying to control things in my life. Sometimes I don’t display the character of the Beattitudes. And sometimes the devil attacks catch me off guard and I need to be reminded of my authority over the enemy. I need to be reminded of WHAT IS WRITTEN in the Word of God.


Check out your assignment questions for today. Take a moment to reflect and then answer the questions in your journal.

Pray. Listen. Write. Obey.

Your Assignment For Today:

What did God say to YOU in your conversation with Him this morning?

When was the last time you studied the Word of God?

How will you make studying His Word a daily priority in your life? (Like when are you going to do it?)

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Matthew 4-5. Just read all of it!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Matthew 4-5. Just read all of it!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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