You're Not Done On This Level Yet!

God’s Word.

God’s Word.


In obedience, the On Assignment By God Blog, now has an audio feature where you can listen to this blog!! Thank you for your prayers as I continue to be obedient and do what God says! Happy Listening!!

Today was one of those mornings where I simply snuggled up to Jesus even more. Yes, I was still in the bed, but why does that matter!! And yes, I fell off to sleep and woke up later than my usual, but does that really matter since I still got up and gave the Lord an hour of my time? LOL! Some days I too want to sleep in, and there are times when I believe the Holy Spirit allows me to do so. There have been times though where He wouldn’t let me go back to sleep. Those are the times where you get up and pray right away!

So this morning was one of those cozy prayer closet mornings. I had my blanket and everything! Not all mornings are like this, and I just love that I allow the Holy Spirit to guide me. Sometimes I am crying. Sometimes I am praying like a straight up Holy Ghost Gangsta. Sometimes I am praying like a good ole Baptist preacher. Sometimes I am praying all sweet like Joel Osteen at Lakewood Church: This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I can do what it says I can do. LOL. My point is not to be a comedian here (even though I DO think that’s part of my DNA), but to let you know that when you allow the Holy Spirit to use you, He can do whatever He wants with you. And I am quite okay with that. I don’t ever want to resist Him with my rut of a routine. I just let Him have His way!

And speaking of His way, this morning the Holy Spirit said exactly that to me: There is no way around it. There is no other way, but My Way. I AM the Way, The Truth, and The Life. Do the work My Way and I will advance you!

Now of course He said this to me because we were talking about advancements and promotions. This is what He also said:

  • You can’t advance without doing the work I assigned to you.

  • Advancement comes after assignments are done.

  • I can’t advance you to the next level until you finish the assignments on this level!

  • Promotions come once the work is done.

  • Do the work that I assigned. Drop the rest!

And that’s when He went into the part about there being no other way around it. So as I knelt there writing down what I heard Him saying to me, I wrote down this question. It was a question for me, but of course, I want you to let it be a question for you too!

What is still left to finish at this level that I am not allowing God to help me with?

It didn’t even take me a millisecond to write down the word, the assignment, the action, that I had been procrastinating on and half-doing. FINANCES!!! Yup, that was it. I am still on this level right here because He is waiting on me. I have been avoiding and procrastinating on creating a new plan for my finances. I’ve been just still doing what I normally do with my finances (which to be honest, I have come a mighty long way of knowing my money), but this assignment from God was to BUDGET FOR ABUNDANCE! That was the assignment: TO BUDGET FOR ABUNDANCE. And I have yet to do it! So why would He bless me with an advancement, if I haven’t been obedient to budget for it? God is not wasteful and I know that He won’t bless me or you with more until He knows He can trust us to steward it His Way!

My fingers got to moving again. The Holy Spirit was giving me more:

  • Stop holding the provision I already gave you so tight and release it, so that it can do what I intended.

  • More IS coming, but not until you use what you have!!!!

Oh my goodness y’all. I felt that! I know that the enemy has had me hoarding my checks from my previous contract work out of fear vs paying off debt and creating an abundance plan IN FAITH!

Quick story. I recently worked for a non-profit agency and the program was fully ran by a major grant. One of the requirements to get more money from the funder was to spend down the grant. I heard the Holy Spirit say so clear to me this morning: Grant money must be used up before you can get more. The money I GRANTED you must be used the way I told you to use it. Then I will REWARD you with a new grant. Then I will REWARD you with even more! But just like the non-profit, you can’t get the new grant until you spend down what you have and present a new budget for how you will use the new money that you don’t even have yet!!!

I am about to jump out of this chair!!! Y’all and this is no coincidence that God is using my previous work experience and my new business venture to communicate this message so effectively to me!!!!

I get it Lord. Today I will budget for advancement. Today I will release the provision I already have to it’s intended place. I will spend down what you granted me, knowing for sure that our relationship will be the key to the new provision that you, THE SOURCE, will grant me!

Right after I wrote that down. The Holy Spirit said:

Trust me Fon. Pay the bills and trust me. Holding it in the bank is holding me up from releasing even more to you!

That’s a Holy Spirit mic drop right there! Nothing left to be said other than FINISH the assignment on this level! God is waiting on YOU to finish what He already assigned!


Check out your assignment questions for today. Take a moment to reflect and then answer the questions in your journal.

Pray. Listen. Write. Obey.

Your Assignment For Today:

What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

What assignment by God is still left for you to finish at this level?

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Matthew 15! Check out the story about the Gentile Mother’s faith! It’s a lesson to us that if we persevere through a series of difficulties intended by God, we will come out on the other side with greater faith!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Matthew 15! Check out the story about the Gentile Mother’s faith! It’s a lesson to us that if we persevere through a series of difficulties intended by God, we will come out on the other side with greater faith!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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