New Living Translation
This morning I got up ready to pray! There were three words that the Holy Spirit and I had a conversation about this morning. FAITH. INHERITANCE. SHIFT.
During my prayer time, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me that faith without works is dead and that I must do the work and not just sit around waiting in faith! I know that word was specifically for me because there have been some things that I have said I was waiting on God to reveal to me, but our conversation this morning was the revelation that I needed. And I know exactly what work He is talking about too. I need to move forward in the work for my company. The work that I already know to do.
See the way the Holy Spirit works (or at least how I see Him working in my life) is that He won’t reveal anything new until you have done what He already asked you to do. We often times want to see more before we start. And we will use faith as an excuse on why we haven’t started. We say things like: I’m just waiting in faith for the Lord to show me what to do. Or I’m just having faith and believing God will bless me with that ___________ (fill in the blank). And then you wait and wait and wait. Next thing you know, months have passed and you’re still in the waiting posture. Now I am not saying that God doesn’t have us in waiting seasons sometimes, but when you KNOW that God has given you vision ALREADY, and you’re still in a waiting posture, that means you’re not WORKING. That means your faith is dead! And when something is dead, it has no movement! Y’all that last line almost made me shout right there! That hit me right in the chest! How do you determine if you are having real faith? Things are actually moving in your life. They aren’t dead… with no movement!! You’re actually working on what God has assigned for you.
Next, the Holy Spirit showed me the word Inheritance in the book of Joshua, specifically chapter 16. When I flipped to it during my scriptural surprise, I was like…awe man…another one of these chapters with a bunch of words I can’t pronounce discussing land distribution. Then I remembered that right before I opened my bible, I asked God to give me a word. Normally, I am expecting more than just “one” word. LOL! But this morning, it was simply that. It was the word Inheritance. I looked up inheritance and the first thing I saw was “the passing on of….”
So we know inheritance to mean the passing on of something when someone dies. My first thought was what kind of inheritance do I want to leave my children and their children and their children. That was my first thought and I even wrote it down. Like me, we normally associate inheritance with money, real estate or positive financials, but as I continued to define the word, I saw the synonym birthright! And that SHIFTED my whole mindset from what I am leaving, to what I received as my inheritance when I became a believer in Jesus Christ. My inheritance is heaven! And when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I received an inheritance of all God promised me. So yes, while leaving my children money and land will be awesome, I also should be passing on to them right now how to live for Jesus so they will get the ultimate inheritance. HEAVEN!
The last word that the Holy Spirit and I talked about, and the word that I kept saying in my prayers is SHIFT! I heard the Lord say, “Don’t hold anything back. Give me all you got!”
As I was praying though, I was praying for people in my life to shift from places that God didn’t call them to; to shift from a life of sin; to shift out of poverty mindsets; to shift out of optimism (where there is no ownership) into faith (where you believe Jesus can do it); to shift out of lack into abundance; to shift out of one level to the next level; to shift out of drama; to shift out of hopelessness; to shift out of unconsciousness; to shift out of their own agendas; to shift out of unemployment; to just SHIFT out of whatever is in their life that is not of God!
I mean y’all, I kept saying it so much, I felt myself moving my hands like I was driving a stick shift car! Then the Holy Spirit said it’s time to shift out of neutral! It’s time to shift before you burn the clutch out! When you’re moving faster, you have to shift to a higher gear…a higher level! Some of us are in neutral and it’s time to shift into 1st gear. Some of us, it’s time to shift into 2nd gear. For some of us, it’s time to shift into 3rd, 4th, or 5th gear. It’s time to shift! And as a driver who learned how to drive in a stick shift car, not all levels are meant to be stayed on long term!!! Some levels only last for a little while, and they are merely there to shift you to the next level, not for you to stay there. As you gain momentum and pick up speed, you’ll shift through the gears of life a whole lot quicker. The one thing you don’t want to do, is operate your life in a gear that doesn’t match God. When God says, it’s time to shift…move in faith. God will sustain that level and you won’t ever burnout!Oouuuu weeeee y’all! I felt that! Like I really really felt that!!!
God says, listen, I have so much for you (your birthright) and it’s time for you to SHIFT your FAITH to the next several levels, so that I can pass everything on to you that is ALREADY YOURS! Press the gas and start shifting! I want to put you on a level in life where you’ll be able to just ride/stride on into all that I have for you! Thank you Jesus!!! Aren’t you thankful for Jesus today!!!!
Hearts & Hugs
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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