New Living Translation
The month of November is special to me. Why? It’s my birth month! This morning when I woke up, I was excited for the fresh start of a new month and even more so, because it wasn’t just any new month, it is my birth month. The first thing I wrote in my journal today was, “Thank you Lord for what you will birth out of me this birthday month!!! I also thanked Him for rejections too! Yup, I thanked Him for all the times I got rejected by people, jobs, and things that I thought were opportunities. I thank God for rejections because I am fully aware that it was all for my protection. At the time, I didn’t always know why I didn’t get the job or why the person in the relationship rejected me or why I didn’t get picked for different organizations and roles, but it was God all along…keeping me from what I couldn’t see. So I am grateful and thankful for His continuous protection through the means of rejection.
This morning’s prayer time was on time. I woke up and went straight to the prayer closet when my alarm went off at 5:00 a.m. As I continue to grow in the Word of God and learn more about Him, I recognize that being in position is important. It has purpose. As I prayed fervently on my face this morning, I knew without a doubt that God heard me and I believe He will answer all my prayers.
As you know, during prayer time, I also read the Word of God. For anyone that may be reading this blog for the first time, I do this thing called the scriptural surprise where I just randomly open my bible and ask the Lord to show me what He wants me to see today. I’ll read and He will start talking. Sometimes before I even open my bible, He talks to me. I capture what He says in my journal, and then I write this blog because back in March of this year, He told me to share our conversations. So I created this blog out of obedience.
I want to try to illustrate the amazingness of what I experience in the mornings, specifically this morning. So you know I already told you that it’s my birth month and I am excited about that!! The first thing I wrote in my journal was “Thank you for what you will BIRTH out of me this birthday month!!” Then I opened my bible for the scriptural surprise and it opened to Matthew 1:18-25. The header title of those verses said these words: THE BIRTH OF JESUS THE MESSIAH. Y’all I can’t make any of this up. When the Lord does this, I am literally in awe every-single-time. This will never get routine or old to me. You hear me? Never!
Here I am with BIRTHday month on my mind because today starts me, my grandmother, my mom, and a first cousin’s birthday month, and then writing, “thank you for what you will birth out of me this birthday month,” as the first thing in my journal. And the Lord lands me here in the scriptures. How amazing is it that the Lord wanted to show me HIS BIRTH!!! I AM STILL IN AMAZEMENT right now as I write this blog post!!! What’s even more amazing is what the Holy Spirit said to me:
Prepare for birth!
What you are birthing won’t look like what you expect. It won’t look like you, it will look like Me. Everyone will know it came straight from Me.
No more abortions and no more miscarriages. You WILL birth it.
I will fulfill every promise.
I birthed you for a purpose.
You’re the one I am going to use.
Y’all I wish I could insert audio sometimes into these blog posts, even though right now, I would be inaudible because I am simply amazed at MY CONVERSATION WITH GOD this morning!!! Not only did He say that, He reminded me that I was born on the sixth day of this month and in Genesis 1:27, the word of God says: “So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them.” Then when I skip down to verse 31, it says, “Then God looked over all He had made, and saw that it was excellent in every way. THIS ALL HAPPENED ON THE SIXTH DAY!!”
Whew! I got to take some breaths, because for as many years as I am old, I have never realized that I was born on the sixth day, the same day God made man and woman! WOW! Just gonna let that sit for a while because it definitely amazes me!!!
——————————————- Pausing for reflection!
But just getting back to the fact that the Holy Spirit wanted me to read about the Birth of Jesus in Matthew is enough to make me run around and shout!!! The stand out verse is Matthew 1:21. It says , “and she will have a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” The Holy Spirit said to me, “I birthed YOU for a specific purpose too. Your birth is significant too. Your birth is special too!”
As I approach my birthday this year, I am super excited to celebrate not just another year of life, but to celebrate being in alignment with the purpose of my birth. Being obedient and doing what God CREATED me to do! Living up to all He designed and destined for me even before I was in my mother’s womb! When I look at who I am, I realize that from birth, God set me apart. I don’t look like anyone else. I have red hair. I have freckles. I have green eyes. He set me apart when He formed me. Everything He put in me is for His glory! Everything I do will look like HIM! That’s how I will always be able to tell if I am living on purpose…what I do, will LOOK JUST LIKE HIM!
With tears in my eyes, I am so thankful that I was born. People have always said I’m different. I always felt like I was different. Sometimes I embraced it and other times I thought I needed to change. But I always felt uncomfortable when I wasn’t just being FON. I haven’t always gotten it right. I have made some mistakes, but even before my birth, God already knew what I would do, and He still said YES TO MY BIRTH! He said Yes because He knew that I would eventually repent and turn from anything that wasn’t of Him. He knew that I would get to this point in my life, even if He had to chase after me a bit. He knew that I would give HIM MY YES! So He said YES TO MY BIRTH. And He said YES TO YOUR BIRTH too!
To God be the glory for every creation HE MADE. And it all started on the 6th day!
Be encouraged as you begin November 2019. It may not be your birth month, but I pray that this message today moves you in such a way that you begin to look at your birth as the other most significant gift that God ever gave, after He gave us HIS ONLY SON, JESUS to save us! We are his daughters and sons too! Thank you FATHER for creating me! Thank you for what you will birth out of me this birthday month!
Hearts and Hugs!
Let’s gooooooo NOVEMBER!!!! LOL!!
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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