The Struggle Ain't More Real Than Jesus Though
New Living Translation
Today is the day the Lord has made! I am definitely rejoicing and glad in it! Today is also the day the Lord brought my Momma into the world! Yup, I am so blessed to witness my Mom celebrate another birthday! She has always been my number one (she calls me her number one and her fave daughter, but the thing is…I am her only daughter). LOL! So happy birthday to my Momma! Love you Ma!!
As I got up this morning to pray, I felt really good, especially after I splashed some cold water on my face to really knock off any residual sleepiness :-) I went into the prayer closet and prayed. I know, you hear me say that on each blog, but just so you know, the same way you hear me say it on each blog, God hears my prayers on each morning I get up to pray. He never gets tired of me talking to Him! So don’t you tired of praying. Don’t you get tired of doing right. Don’t you get tired in well-doing. It is all necessary. We need the prayers of the righteous. We need your prayers on Saturday mornings too!
This morning during the scriptural surprise I landed in the book of Hosea. Reading this book made me realize several things: Israel was out there bad bad (yeah I said bad twice). I mean they were out there worshipping other gods, committing adultery, prostituting, killing, stealing, cursing, lying, and just flat out being unfaithful to the Lord. There was violence everywhere; all kinds of murders. The land was sad and all living things were becoming sick and dying. The priests were even doing wrong and glad when the people sinned and brought their sin offerings, because that’s how they would get fed!
I was reading this and I was like, yooo, wait a minute. When I turn on the news, I see some of this exact same stuff though in our country, and even more closer to home, it’s in our cities! One verse in Hosea 4:11 said, “Alcohol and prostitution have robbed my people of their brains. They are asking a piece of wood (an idol) what to do.” They had turned their backs on the Lord. But as I kept reading, I saw how the Lord wanted them back! That was the conversation me the Holy Spirit had this morning. He said:
Don’t let it be too late.
Stop knowingly sinning. Don’t keep sinning when you know better.
The struggle ain’t realer than Me.
There’s nothing you’re going through in your life (I MEAN NOTHING) that I can’t fix or heal. I can fix whatever is broken in your life (hearts, spirits, finances, relationships, families, whatever)!
You don’t have to figure anything out on your own anymore. When you turn to Me, you won’t have to do what you used to do.
With Me, there is no struggling!
What I saw after reading how the people of Israel were out there so bad, was the call for them to repent. I saw how the Lord really wanted HIS people to come back to Him. He wanted to restore them. He wanted to heal their wounds. He wanted to redeem them! He wants that for us today!!
I am thankful to God for redemption myself! I was reading about the people of Israel and I actually saw myself. I haven’t always lived right. I have done some things just like the people of Israel, but I am thankful to the Lord that when I turned from it and repented, God forgave me and restored me! He can do the same thing for you too! It does not matter what you have done. Nothing you have done is new to the Lord. He has seen it all. I mean, open your Bible to Hosea. It’s just one of the books of the bible that shows a struggling people.
What do you need to repent from? What’s stopping you from turning away from sin? God can help you! Just say, Lord I want you and need you in my life. Help me to live for you Jesus. And the thing is, you don’t have to get yourself together before you open your mouth and say this. All Jesus is looking at is your heart to be pure and real. So even with alcohol still on your breath, the smell of sex still on your body, or the ashes in the ashtray, the needle still stuck in your arm, or the person that’s not your husband or wife still laying right next to you…the Lord can meet you and forgive you right where you are! Repenting simply means turning away from it. It’s not too late. But don’t wait. Repent so that Jesus can redeem you, just like He did me. He wants to do it. You are his and He wants you back in His presence.
Hearts and Hugs!
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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