Stop and Take Notice!

Stop and Take Notice!

Amplified Version

Amplified Version


Good Morning to you!! Today it’s all nice, cool, and brisk out this morning. I mean it feels sooo good! There is something about how God changes the seasons from hot and humid to cool and brisk! I just love it! We’re just getting fall-like weather here in Mississippi, but I welcome being chilly with no jacket with open arms (LOL)! And guess what, I heard the Holy Spirit say to me this morning, go outside and pray. So I obeyed! It was the most refreshing prayer time ever! The atmosphere change refreshed me in such a way that I felt a reviving of sorts! I mean I changed up my whole routine this morning (and it started off changed because I slept later than usual), and the Holy Spirit blew a cool breeze of prayer life freshness on me.

This morning as I was outside on my front porch with my bible and journal (nope I didn’t bring my coffee), I began to just pray in the Spirit. It was amazing to have my eyes closed and allow the Holy Spirit to just use me in such a mighty way. It felt soooo good to just feel His presence in that cool breeze.

Here’s the conversation me and the Holy Spirit had on my Prayer Porch (LOL):

  • Notice

  • Stop and look around

  • Marvel at my creations by pausing to look around.

  • Notice what you see. Notice what you feel. Take notice.

As I felt this prompting from the Holy Spirit, I just sat and looked. Here’s what I noticed:

  • I saw tops of very tall trees extending into the sky, perfectly manicured by God.

  • I heard birds chirping and having several conversations (I wonder if they were talking to God).

  • I felt wind on my face and my arms.

  • As I kept noticing, I heard feet. It was an older, gray-haired gentleman walking. He had on a thin cardigan sweater. He walked across the street and picked up some silver party streamers that somehow had landed in front of my home. He picked them up and kept walking. I noticed that he saw a few more in front of my neighbor’s home. He picked them up too. Then I saw him put them in their trash can. I kept paying attention to this older man as he made his way about four more houses down from mine. He then saw something else that I couldn’t quite see, but it was on the ground. He picked it up and put it in another trash can (today is trash day so all the cans were out this morning). I noticed that he was noticing things out of place and putting them where they belonged. He was cleaning up our street and no one had asked him to do it. He wasn’t just focused on walking. He noticed trash and did the right thing and put it in it’s rightful place.

As I finished watching the man, who kept walking until I couldn’t see him anymore, these questions came to my mind and I want to ask you, as I reflect on these questions myself:

  1. What is the Lord bringing to your attention?

  2. What is He causing you to notice that’s out of place?

  3. What’s the right thing to do or better yet, what is in your heart to do about it?

  4. Are you going to do it with no one asking you?

This morning, I believe the Lord is wanting us stop, pause, and take notice of Him and His creations. Then whatever He shows you to do, to just simply do it because your heart says so.

Heart and Hugs!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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