Are You Where You're Supposed To Be?

Are You Where You’re Suppose To Be?

Amplified Version

Amplified Version


What a wonderful morning it is! If you’re not feeling that with me, then take a moment and listen to your breath. Yup, it’s a wonderful morning because YOU are here and that means God has so much for you! Be encouraged this morning!!

So guess what? I switched up the morning routine yet again. The prayer closet is on the move! HA HA! Today it was in my shower? Have you ever prayed in the shower? Sung in the shower? Danced in the shower? Meditated in the shower? It’s actually quite the spot to do ALL those things. I have even heard stories where people got saved in their shower, so it’s definitely a spot where you can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.

I was praying in the Spirit, and I felt this surge to pray for people to be on their post, to be where they are supposed to be so that God can use them. I thought about different jobs where if you’re not where you are supposed to be, it can affect the whole operation. Like fast food or even corporate meetings where decisions are being made. Every post or assignment given to us, requires us to first, BE THERE! We should be on assignment and on our post for the purposes of serving the Lord! PERIOD! Imagine if your assignment was to speak life into a person who feels hopeless and you decided to sleep late or not speak to the person that you knew in your heart you were supposed to speak to them. All of our assignments are important to the purposes and will of God, even that assignment to simply smile at the person who won’t smile back! You won’t always get to see HOW your assignment affects others, but being in full obedience is still necessary.

As I was praying, more and more thoughts came up. You know how we seem to always talk in future tense? You know, “I just want to live on purpose and do what God tells me to do.” Have you said that lately (I hope so)? But it’s like we are always talking as if there is a future timing for us to do what He has called us or assigned us to do. The Holy Spirit straight dropped in my spirit this morning, what about today? It’s not always a future assignment/purpose. There is a TODAY PURPOSE! Don’t miss your TODAY PURPOSE!

  • Who is supposed to encounter Jesus through YOU today?

  • Who are you assigned to encourage today?

  • Who are you supposed to bless today?

  • Who are you supposed to be forgiving today?

Our whole purpose on earth is not for our wants and desires, it’s solely to serve our Lord and Savior! So our attitude should be like the servers as Chic-Fil-A. How can I serve you today…LORD? Once you get the orders from Him, go do it with a heart of PLEASING Him. You know how they say, My Pleasure, when they hand you your order at Chic-Fil-A or refill your drink while dining in? That’s the same attitude we should have for The One who created us, our Father God! The people working at Chic-Fil-A are not even the owners!! Catch That! They are working someone’s else’s vision but still are proud to SERVE with pleasure! So it should not be hard for US to serve our Lord with Pleasure and work the vision He established for us long before we even got here!!! That’s a moment to pause and shout right there! Your purpose was established before you were even on the scene!!

Today in my journal, I wrote down the following:

  • Lord help me to be where I am supposed to be per Your purpose for me.

  • Lord help me to say what You want me to say per Your purpose for me.

  • Lord help me to do what You want me to do per Your purpose for me.

I just believe that if I am on my assignment by God, then I am being in full service to the Lord.

Let’s agree to wake up daily and ask…Lord, how I can be of service to you today?

Get the assignment. Serve in the assignment. And smile knowing you’re taking orders from the Lord and living on purpose TODAY!

P.S. Check out this scripture in Ephesians from the Message Translation!! It really helped me to see my purpose and my role in all this.

Hearts & Hugs!

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If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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A Word from God

A Word from God


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