Another level!

That’s just one of the phrases I heard Holy Spirit say to me in my conversation with Him this morning! I receive that word and felt it too. Now that I am done, I can tell you all what I have been doing. Yesterday was the end of 7 days prayer and fasting. That’s why I was waking up super early to pray. When I tell yall it ended with me being up nearly 19 hours yesterday because I couldn’t go back to sleep due to it being community day at my kids homeschool community, where I am the lead tutor for now two classes, it ended with a bang! A good bang of course! I knew full well that I was operating on grace yesterday. Back in the day, I used to say I was operating on fumes, but that’s such a negative way to look it. If you are still moving even when you know you should be tired, that’s God’s grace, not fumes.

In addition to “Another Level,” the Holy Spirit also gave me these words:

  • Peace

  • Rest

  • Revival

Then I was listening to praise and worship from Transformation Church (which by the way, I highly recommend it as a great way to kick off your worship experience daily). Woo Wee!! But anyway, as I was worshipping, I paused to write down part of a song they were singing: Things Change When We Call You Jesus! Yall I felt that so strongly this morning. I know it to be true. Things do change when I call on the name of Jesus! I have seen so many situations change and turnaround when I called on Jesus. I can’t even keep up with it all. It’s overwhelming in a good way.

Then I heard this from Holy Spirit: Fortified Foundation through Fasting! Now I am a true word nerd, but I still had to look up the word fortified so that I could really ensure I understood. The root word is fortify. It is synonymous with the words: secure, invigorate, strengthen, boost! Hallelujah!! I feel exactly that too today. I feel a boost in my Spirit. I feel strengthened in my faith. I feel invigorated in my walk with God. I feel secure in my life because of my intimate relationship with God.

The next thing I heard Holy Spirit say is: There is more where that came from! Y’all it was as if God cued the music himself because I begin to dance like David. I even wrote that down: Dancing like David!! As I was praising God and worshiping Him, He said: Because you’re doing it right, I WILL bless you!

Yall know the tears started flowing down my face at this point. I started thinking about all the things that the devil stole from me because of sin and God was let me know that He is restoring it all!! Everything that is mine is still mine!! Ohhhh that ought to make somebody shout right there. Don’t be thinking about me. Put yourself into what I am saying God said to me because if you’re listening to this podcast, He is saying it to you too. He wouldn’t have told me to share our conversations with you if He didn’t want you to hear it and receive it too!

God is most certainly doing a new thing in this season and I stand in agreement with a word from a prophetess who said that God wants to show us something this month! If you believe that like I do, shout Hallelujah and keep your eyes appealed!

Now, I could just end the blog/podcast there, but then you wouldn’t know what stood out to me in our Scriptural Bible Study of Hebrews!! We are on chapter 9 and today these points are what stood out for me (you text me at 601-299-4398) and let me know what stood out in your study time of Hebrews 9:

  • Old way vs new way.

  • Old Testament sacrifices of animals only had a 1 year warranty, but Christ’s sacrifice of himself was eternal, and therefore obtained lasting redemption.

  • Death isn’t the end. It’s a transition, not a conclusion. Judgement is coming.

  • Old Testament sacrifices of animals only cleansed the outside, the external.

  • Christ’s sacrifice to remove sin was both external and internal. He did it once and for all so that He might appear in heaven in God’s presence for you and for me.

  • New Covenant with Christ’s blood can cleanse our consciences from dead works so that we can serve a LIVING GOD!

But Christ was sinless, and he offered himself as an eternal and spiritual sacrifice to God. This is why his blood is much more powerful and makes our consciences clear. Now we can serve the Living God and no longer do things that lead to death. Hebrews 9:14 CEV

I thank God for His blood that was shed for ME! I am new in Christ Jesus! I am truly free indeed! I am STRONGER!


If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you’re not a believer, but you have a desire to be, all you have to do is openly confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community, stay connected to other believers, and start having daily conversations through prayer with God every single day. Welcome to your new life with Jesus Christ!!!


  1. What did Holy Spirit say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. Check your strength. Are you STRONG-ER because of your walk with Christ?

  3. Leave me a message on the Anchor.Fm podcast app or Text Me at 601-299-4398! Share this blog post/podcast with someone who needs encouraging. Share buttons below.

  4. Become a subscriber and get the blog and podcast in your inbox daily!

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