There Is Only One Way!
New Living Translation
This morning, I got up with this feeling like I wanted to cry. I didn’t know why. But I felt this heaviness. I honestly still can’t tell you why I felt it, but I definitely prayed in the Spirit and laid all my known and unknown burdens down at the feet of Jesus in the prayer closet this morning. In doing that, I began to feel the heaviness lift off of my shoulders. I even started singing songs. I know the Lord be laughing and smiling at me. LOL! I bet God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit all be like…yeah…that singing gift would have been too much for her but she still trying though, and we love her for the effort. LOL LOL LOL LOL!! This is what I imagined they were saying in my mind as I was singing on every key known and unknown. I was definitely singing in the Spirit! And it lifted my spirits!!! God is faithful!
Did you know that praising God can take you from depression to delight! Praising God can take you from low energy to high energy! Praising God, especially when it seems like you wouldn’t wanna be praising, is like the most instantaneous way to shift your mindset onto Him. Try it out for yourself. When you start feeling stressed, overwhelmed, depressed, sad, just start giving God the praise in song. Clap ya hands. Stomp ya feet. Jump up and down. Just give Him praise for WHO IS HE, and watch your whole mood SHIFTS!
So this morning, I felt the weight of being a daily blogger. I felt the weight of this responsibility to pray, hear from God, and then write. So guess where the Holy Spirit led me in the scriptural surprise… E-Z-E-K-I-E-L!!!!!
Yup, Ezekiel chapters 2 and 3 set me right back on course. The verses that stuck out were the ones where the Lord was telling Ezekiel to say what He tells him to say and don’t be concerned with anything else. Also don’t be rebellious and disobedient either. But simply say what He tells him to say.
“Son of man, listen to what I tell you. Do not be like those who refuse to obey me. Open your mouth. Eat what I give you. Ezekiel 2:8 New International Reader’s Version
And that’s when the overflow conversation with me and the Holy Spirit happened. He said:
Say what I tell you to say.
Be My messenger with your words.
When I tell you to share, don’t get caught up in who listens or not. You deliver the message in obedience.
Get My message in your first…THEN and only THEN share it. I don’t want you mishandling the message or allowing anything else to keep you from delivering the message exactly how I say it. I don’t want anything keeping you from delivering the message effectively.
Don’t worry about how people look or respond to the message I give you to give to them.
Let nothing stop you from sharing My message.
I will put the message in language that is clear to understand. Don’t get caught up in the message that I tell you to share with someone else. Don’t YOU try to figure it out for them either. Your job is to share the message I give you.
Don’t withhold messages that you’re not sure what it means. Just share it.
Don’t second guess the messages I give you. Share it.
When I tell you what to say, just say it.
It’s on YOU when you don’t share what I tell you. But it’s between me and them once you share what I tell you to share.
Be obedient in sharing the message I give you!
Now at the onset, that seems like it would make the responsibility even more weighty on me, right? But when you really look at what the Lord is saying, it’s simply…be obedient and share what “I” say. This blog is not yours Fon. It’s mine and you’re the vessel I am using. Don’t think that you have the responsibility of the message because you don’t. I will give you everything to say. So all you have to do is share what I say.
What a relief! I think I started to let the blog become a weight because I wanted to make sure that people got something from it and the Lord is saying…your job is to deliver MY message, not YOUR message. You felt the weight because you tried to do it in YOUR strength. This ain’t that. This blog is OUR conversation. You’re simply sharing what we talked about and that requires your obedience to pray, listen, write, and share.
What have you put on your plate to eat that God wants you to serve others with it instead?
What job has the Lord given you that you’ve decided to do it your way now verses His way?
Bottomline today…There is only one way and that’s to DO LIFE GOD’S WAY… and then and only then will you be OKAY!
Hearts & Hugs!!
P.S. Blog winner announcement coming soon! Look for it in your email this morning!!!
P.S. Have you gotten a signed copy of my book, Permission Slips yet? You did? Great! Now it’s time to get one or more for your family and friends for Christmas! Order your gifts today. An inspirational book signed by the author never gets too tight in the waist. LOL :-)
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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A Word from God.
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