Now Hiring!!!
New Living Translation
We have 41 days left in this decade! I want to encourage you today to ask God what He wants you to accomplish in that time. Don’t rush to accomplish all the things that pop up in your head. Be urgently obedient to do the thing that God says do. When you do that, you will complete it within the time frame.
This morning, I opened my eyes to the praise and worship music flowing from my Amazon echo dot. I use it as my alarm. It’s actually a great way to start the morning because it ushers me right on into the prayer closet to pray. Y’all I can’t express enough in this blog how essential prayer time is, first thing in the morning. If you pray at night or during the day, that’s cool too. But praying in the morning before you get your day started is the best way to start. Praying and praising God…it’s what for breakfast! LOL!!
But when I got up this morning, I went to the prayer closet in such a great mood. I felt really good about the conversation that was about to take place with my Father in heaven! I knelt down on the pillow, propped myself up on my forearms, clasped my hands, closed my eyes, and said…”Good Morning Lord!”
I don’t know what or if you were taught how to pray, but prayer is communication between YOU and our Father God. Stop pretending with him that you are this biblical scholar and you need to pray somebody else’s prayer that you heard growing up. Pray YO prayer!! Speak to Him the way He wired you to speak. I hope that frees someone up (it freed me) because I know that even I get caught up sometimes trying to sound like someone else and then I be like…wait….this my Daddy…why am I pretending with Him. He know everything. He know I’m sleepy. He know my energy don’t feel high. He know I feel super great today. He knows I’m smiling from ear to ear. Like He knows all…so “ain’t no needa pretending” (I sound like I just watched scenes from Harriet or The Color Purple). LOL!!
As I was praying, the Lord brought a thought I had yesterday, right to the forefront. I was working on some “homework” for a life group I am in called Mastering Me. We are studying the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I was cramming of course (waiting till the last minute to do the work) and my kids were also doing their homework for school. It hit me as I was studying; Why are there so few opportunities for us to learn about the Kingdom of God? Like we have Sunday School still barely operating in some churches (if at all) and then we may or may not have bible study once a week. When I was growing up as member of a Baptist Church, they used to have Baptist Training Union or BTU, but when I look around today, there really isn’t a whole lot of opportunity to learn about the Kingdom of God. And the few people who are learning are preachers or folks called to the ministry as they say. What really got me was that I was learning about spiritual gifts that can be stirred up within me at the Lord’s discretion! But He can’t use me in them if I know nothing about them!!! Hmmm.
There is no emphasis on Kingdom Learning or Kingdom Living. I heard the Holy Spirit say: Kingdom Learning Centers! I wrote it down. My point of sharing this is to create a conversation around it so people can start asking themselves, how AM I learning more about the Kingdom of God? What steps am I taking to SEEK THE KINGDOM of God. Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else…” Sooooo why are we seeking all this other stuff for our lives above the Kingdom?
We are walking around with varying degrees of God’s unmerited grace and favor (Ephesians 1:6), but yet depending on man-made degrees for jobs, careers, and LIFE moves. Pause for minute and just think on it. We spend our entire childhood and young adult lives getting certificates and degrees so that we can live a better life, but then work in jobs that have us miserable, unfulfilled and still lacking!!!! It makes no sense whatsoever! I spent thousands of dollars on degrees that in all honesty didn’t help me with not one of my jobs. God gave me the gift of writing, not my journalism degree. God gave me ideas to pursue for entrepreneurship, not my advanced business degree. I’m not knocking degrees. I am simply trying to change the perspective we have of man-made education and press upon your hearts to consider what you’re doing to educate yourself about the Kingdom! How much are you willing to invest to learn about the Kingdom? I still owe Navient right now for student loan debt, but it will be Kingdom principals that will eliminate the debt!!!!! Come on somebody! Y’all seeing what I am saying. Lord help them to see it through my words. Lord you said in Matthew 10:20, “For it won’t be you doing the talking - it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”
This morning, I want you (and me too) to think about this: How are you learning about the Kingdom of God? Are you seeking to ADVANCE the Kingdom of God? To what DEGREE?
I feel the power of the Holy Spirit right now!! Help us Jesus! Help us to function the way you framed us. Help us to be the way you wired us. Help us to operate in our authority as believers. Help us to put emphasis on Kingdom Living, Kingdom Loving, Kingdom Work, and Kingdom Giving!!
I hear the Lord saying: use your influence for My Kingdom. Use your skills for My Kingdom. Use what I put in you for My Kingdom because that’s exactly why it’s there!!! What you don’t know IS HURTING AND HINDERING YOU.
Hosea 4:6 says in part: “My people are being destroyed because they don’t know me…”
Lord help us to know you. Help us to have an intimate relationship with you! Help us to see how prayer is the pre-requisite for the Kingdom curriculum!! JESUS!!! Help us to just wake up and talk to you about who you are and who we are and what this whole thing called life is about. Help us to know our purpose for being here on earth. Help us Lord. In your Word Father, you said the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few! Lord we see the sign. It says…NOW HIRING! You’re hiring for the Kingdom. Help us to learn Kingdom so that we can work for you, advance your Kingdom agenda and get every bonus and reward you promised us Father!
I feel the presence of God right now!!!! Just worship Him y’all!! Wooo Weee!! This song came up in my Spirit right now!
As I was wrapping up my prayer time (because I had to make sure the kids were up and getting ready), I heard the Lord say…who out here doing ‘intimacy with the Holy Spirit’ coaching? Who out here coaching on ‘relationship goals’ with Jesus? We out here learning everything about life/ business BUT not how to live the way Jesus intended.
What are you going to do about all this you have read? What action steps are you going to take next to learn more about how God intended for you to live on this earth?
The Kingdom is hiring!!! If you are ready to work on purpose and advance the Kingdom of God and receive rewards on earth and and in heaven, apply yourself TODAY!
Lord, I pray that I have pleased you in my writing this morning! Amen!
Hearts & Hugs!!
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P.S. Have you gotten a signed copy of my book, Permission Slips yet? You did? Great! Now it’s time to get one or more for your family and friends for Christmas! Order your gifts today. An inspirational book signed by the author never gets too tight in the waist. LOL :-)
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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A Word from God.
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