Who's On Your Mind?
New Living Translation
I got up out of the bed this morning, but my mind was still on sleep! Yes, it was one of those mornings where I had to just keep pushing my way on to the prayer closet. But truth be told, I wanted to just crawl back into the bed. I knew I couldn’t though because I had an appointment with my Father in heaven. I had an appointment with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I had an appointment with the One who woke me up for the appointment!! :-)
As I pressed my way to the prayer closet, it was no surprise to the Holy Spirit that I was sleepy. Duh! He knew. But I still needed to open my mouth and ask for strength to pray the prayers that were necessary to pray. I have said it before and I will say it again…not every day in your prayer time will be the exact same. Today, there was no boldness like yesterday. Today was a day where I gave my best, and knowing what I know about my Lord, He definitely did the rest!
Today the Holy Spirit led me to Daniel. I have been to Daniel many times during the Scriptural Surprise and today it was Daniel 1. Here’s what I heard from the Holy Spirit after I read the first chapter of Daniel:
You can have favor even in captivity.
You can have blessings in undesirable environments.
I will allow you to stand your ground on My behalf, even in environments where you have no authority to do so.
Keep your mind on Me.
Keep your mind on the Word of God.
Don’t be confused about anything. Bring it to Me. Keep your mind on Me.
When you change your mind and let Me be your focus, I can use you greatly.
A mind of confusion or doubt means your mind ain’t on Me.
A mind of worry means your mind ain’t on Me.
A mind of stress means your mind ain’t on Me.
A tormented mind means your mind ain’t on Me.
Keep your mind on Me.
Mind MY Business, not yours.
I will keep your mind in perfect peace.
Call on Me to Get your Mind right!
In Daniel 1:8, it says “But Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief official for permission to eat other things instead.” This verse is a prime example of favor in captivity. Sometimes you’re praying for the Lord to get you out of a place, but you may need to be like Daniel and just make up your mind that you’re going to serve the Lord regardless of where you are and the authoritative person there is going to let you! If you’re still there, that means God is trying to use you there, but you need to make up your mind that you will let God use you, even in that place of captivity. With your mind on Jesus, you won’t get caught up in the environment, even though you’re still in the environment!!!! JESUS!!!! That’s a word right there!! You want to get out, but Jesus wants you to be reminded that He is with you IN there and with Him on your mind, you’ll perform what He placed you there to perform.
I realized this morning that when I keep my mind stayed on Jesus, I don’t leave any room for anything else that is not of Him to come in and take up space. The word ReMIND came up in my Spirit. I wrote down what I heard from the Holy Spirit:
ReMIND yourself of the Word of God daily.
ReMIND yourself of His promises.
ReMIND yourself of WHO He is .
ReMIND yourself that you are His and He made you for His purpose.
If we mind His business, then He will always be on our Mind. The Holy Spirit said to me, “Fon, remember what I said. Go back and reMIND yourself of what I already told you.” So today that is exactly what I am going to do…have a REMINDING session. I am going to open up my journal from the beginning and read it, so I can be reminded of what He already told me!
What’s on your MIND this morning? If it ain’t Jesus…then get your MIND right… on Him… right now!
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