True Wisdom
True Wisdom
Amplified Bible
Have you ever wondered how wise you are? Many of us have reached high levels of achievement in our educational and professional pursuits. We went to school, did the work, and got the degree, the certification, or the letters in front/behind our names. And for a moment, we felt smart. We felt like we had made some wise choices in our lives. But how do we determine and measure if we are truly wise?
Are the degrees hanging up on our walls (or boxed away for some of us) or the titles we hold at our respective workplaces evidentiary of our wisdom? Do we think we are wise when we have foregone the educational system and instead went to the school or hard knocks? Has our ability to successfully navigate the streets and the culture put us in a position of leadership amongst our peers (who rely on us for direction) caused us to believe that we are wise?
The question this morning for us to ponder for moment is, how wise are you…really?
As I got up to pray this morning, I realized that was a wise move. As I knelt down to worship the Lord, I counted that as a wise move. As I prayed in the Spirit, prayers that I didn’t have any control over, that was wise to do too because praying in the Spirit ensures I pray God’s perfect will in a language I don’t understand but the Holy Spirit does. So yeah, all wise moves. So far so good, right?
I listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit and wrote down what I heard in my journal. This was yet another wise move. And by the way, He said:
I am getting ready to take you higher.
Go back to the way you were being consistent with your finances.
You have a special calling on your life and there are certain people you are meant to reach.
I can change your whole environment. (when I read back what I wrote in my journal, I actually wrote: I can change your WHO environment. I left it there because I heard WHOLE, but I wrote down WHO. Hmmm! I will keep the conversation going with the Holy Spirit about my WHO environment)!
When I didn’t hear anything else to write down, I opened my Bible randomly to the book of Job for the scriptural surprise (this is my way of allowing the Holy Spirit to surprise me with a scripture that I need in that moment). I read Job and it was…well if you have ever read Job, then you know. So I kept reading because I was like, Holy Spirit, what do you want me to get out of this Word today?
I got to Job 28:28 and that’s where I found this scripture amongst all the verses where it talks about people knowing how to find everything BUT wisdom. People can go to the depths of the earth to find gold, sapphire, copper, onyx, coral, and all the other jewels that we pay hefty prices for, but they can’t find wisdom or understanding in any of those places. But God knows exactly where to find wisdom. So why do we go to all these other “places” to get wisdom when God has it?
You know what I mean right? We go to financial people to get wisdom on how to invest. We go to business consultants to get wisdom on how to do business. We go to doctors to get wisdom on how to feel better when we are sick. We go to friends and family to get wisdom on how handle a problem. A lot of times, we never actually go to God and ask Him how we should invest, how to run the business, or how to handle a problem. We call on Him when the sickness has gotten beyond our own perceived levels of wisdom, but we don’t always believe that He can really heal us because sometimes we are too busy questioning Him on why we even have to go through the sickness in the first place.
But Job 28:28 is stand out verse for today. It’s the verse that is worth more than your degree, those letters in front or behind your name, that certification, that accolade, those kudos, that job level, and even that person who might have said, man you are so wise or woman you are so wise.
“And this is what He says to all humanity: The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding.” Job 28:28 New Living Translation
To know if you are truly wise, I mean wise beyond your years as they say, then ask yourself this question:
Do I fear the Lord?
To know if you have true understanding, ask yourself?
Do I turn from evil?
You may have quickly answered with a double yes. And that’s awesome! But to actually fear the Lord, means to be afraid NOT to obey Him. That means when He says go this way and you don’t obey and decide to go the other way, you’re not fearing the Lord and thus lacking true wisdom. Full obedience to God is true wisdom. Turning from evil is real understanding. So ask yourself the questions again.
Will I be truly wise today? Will I obey the Lord today? Will I turn from evil today?
I want to encourage you to be wise and not foolish. Only a fool would try to obtain wisdom while ignoring God, who is the source of wisdom. A wise person fears/reverences/obeys the Lord. A fool despises God’s instruction and cannot be told what to do. Whose instructions are you following today?
I pray for you to have true wisdom and real understanding.
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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