Get In Alignment!

Get In Alignment!

New Living Translation

New Living Translation


This morning my computer would NOT pull up the blog. I am doing today’s blog, on the same day of Prayer Service, AGAIN, from my phone! Go back and read last Wednesday’s post! But guess what? The enemy is defeated and this blog WILL GO FORTH in Jesus name. I don’t know who this is for, but be ready to do your assignment in an alternative way. Don’t let ANYTHING stop you from doing what God has assigned and called you to do!!

I woke up earlier this morning y’all! I challenged myself to wake up and shower BEFORE prayer time. I came clean before the Lord today! LOL!! But it was really a challenge that the Holy Spirit placed on my heart. It showed me that I can do EVEN MORE for God! What a feeling to know that even though I am closer to God than I have ever been, I can go DEEPER!! I am capable through Jesus Christ to go further than ever before!! Praise God!!

I was clean and dressed this morning! God knew the enemy would try it with the computer this morning and if I had kept my same routine, I wouldn’t be READY to go to prayer service right now! But I’m ready Lord! I’m ready for ALL you have for me!! I heard the Holy Spirit say, being one minute late makes you miss ALL I have for you!!! Wow!! Be early! What I have for you is in the EARLY time slot!! Wooo Weee!! Thank you Jesus!

Here is what the Holy Spirit gave me this morning:

  • Whatever you need to know, I already know! Don’t try to figure it out. Ask Me.

  • When you follow and obey My Way, I will show you wonderful things! Psalm 119:18.

  • You can do anything with Me! There is nothing you can’t accomplish with the power of Me on the inside of you!

  • I will give you the desires of your heart when you are ready. I say when you are ready because I know you better than you know you!

  • It’s going to be better than what you’re imagining!

  • Don’t question my instruction. I know exactly what I’m doing.

  • Get more organized than you have ever gotten before. I have something for you on the other side of organization, but you MUST get organized.

Yall!!! I am about to be an organizing maniac! I already started my list in the prayer closet because I asked God, what do I specifically need to organize and He gave me a list of 8 things! One of them I had to do already just to get this blog done! So y’all, when God gives instructions, don’t question it, just do it immediately. I’m excited and can’t wait to share what was on the other side of me getting organized! I already know it’s going to be marvelous!!

Alright thanks everyone for reading the blog, commenting, and sending me feedback! If you ever need to email me, I can be reached at

I’m headed to prayer service… EARLY!!

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A Word from God.

A Word from God.