You Got New Mercy Today!

You Got New Mercy Today!

New Living Translation

New Living Translation


I felt the freshness of God’s new mercy this morning! I rolled out of bed, and to be honest, I didn’t jump up. I was like…oooh Lord, can I get 5 more minutes of sleep. I laid there and then I knew that I need to practice mind over mattress (Terry Savelle Foy introduced me to that phrase). I also knew that I needed to talk to God. See I realized this morning that my prayer time started out as a challenge. Now my changed mindset is that it is simply my time with God and I NEED it, like I can’t start the day without it. I trust God to strengthen me in my weakness, in my sleepiness, in my tiredness, etc. I mowed the lawn last night and my body was feeling it this morning too, but I had the most refreshing morning with the Holy Spirit. I just kept hearing…new mercy every morning. And thats what the verses of today come from Lamentations 3:21-23. I love the way this version says it because it is conversational.

“But then I choose to remember God, and then I hope again: The Lord is good and he never stops being kind to us. That is why we are alive at all. Each new day we can remember that God’s promises will certainly happen.” Lamentations 3:21-23 EASY Translation.

Here’s what I heard this morning from the Holy Spirit after I prayed and we just talked:

  • Don’t lose your edge. Don’t lose your confidence. It’s time to dig deeper.

  • Stay the course. Create a new schedule since you’re not using the old one. Remove distractions.

  • Anything that you did constantly in your old life, requires for you to pray for it constantly to be removed. Now I have already answered the prayer and removed it, but I need you to talk to me through prayer about it constantly because that will keep you accountable to what I have said about it. Again, I have removed it, but you need to REMEMBER daily that I have removed it.

  • New mercy every morning!

  • I am proud of you and I have so much in store for you (hearts)!

I am listening to this song right now by Elevation Worship as I type this blog and I just feel the freshness of God’s presence. Take a listen and just allow God to breathe a new breath of fresh air in your life, no matter what it looks like…allow God’s fresh air in, and watch the atmosphere begin to change in your mind first. Once your mind changes, you can see God in the midst of it all. Pop those headphones in at work or wherever you are and just listen.

Feel free to leave a comment below of how God is impacting you through this blog. I’d love to hear from you! Be encouraged this morning!

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A Word from God.

A Word from God.