Extra Credit Assignments
Extra Credit Assignments!
New Living Translation
It’s a great morning and I am so excited to share what the Holy Spirit gave me this morning!! When I look at my journal, I can tell the Holy Spirit was just flowing right through me as I wrote. Sometimes it’s bullet points (actually that’s what it is most of the time), but today, I got it in writing y’all!!!
Here is what I heard super clear from the Holy Spirit this morning:
Extra Credit Assignments & Bonus Points
Some assignments I give you will be extra credit assignments. They are quick assignments that are designed to elevate you to a higher level. But don’t focus too much on the extra credit because it’s only going to be ADDED after the completion of the main assignment.
The extra credit assignments will give you a bonus. They will super naturally bump your grade up. Bump your life up. Completing the regular assignments keep you in alignment with My Will, but the extra credit assignments will accelerate you to a higher level SUDDENLY! For you Fon, the extra credit is always a writing assignment!
The blog is your assignment, but the books you write are the extra credit (I literally just started crying and praising God at this point!). WOW!!!
Don’t be an average student Fon (The Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance how I would do well in high school but I wasn’t an all A student. I was mostly an A, B, student who let a few C’s slip in there. My Mom would always say, if you just study more and apply yourself a little bit more, you could pull those grades up. When I got to college, I remember how I would always try to pull my grades up by asking for extra assignments so I could get extra credit. I loved bonus questions too, especially the writing ones.) I got emotional because the Holy Spirit said my extra credit will come from my gift! Did yall hear me! My EXTRA will come from my GIFT!!! That’s a shout moment in itself!!!
Let me finish telling you how the Holy Spirit kept going before I get to shouting too much:
Don’t just do the assignment to get a B or even a C. Do it to get an A and watch how I take you higher than an A with the extra credit.
100 is not the highest you can go with Me!
Now after hearing this, and getting all the feels, then I heard this:
Get a new chair! I need you to be in proper position to receive the download I have for you (yall I sit on a stool and write (YIKES TO MY BACK!).
Finish the budget out to zero. Know where EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR is going (doing the budget was one of my organization assignments from yesterday).
Finish up yesterday’s assignments this morning.
Post and push on. You’re spending too much time on social media when you have assignments incomplete (WOO WEEE Y’ALL…that’s that loving correction right there nah!).
I am so thankful that I can talk to God and hear from Him through prayer! Give God your time and He will cause your light to shine even brighter!
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A Word from God.