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Watch Who You're Talking To! Fon Strong James

Welcome to the OABG Daily Blog and Podcast!

Today my pillow felt like a cool heavenly cloud. LOL! You really have to be committed to a lifestyle of prayer when you purchase new pillows and go to bed tired or late, because that pillow can easily paralyze you from getting up to pray, but thanks be to God that I want to talk to Him and hear from Him. Thanks be to God that I NEED to talk to Him and I NEED to hear from Him. Thanks be to God that I heard Him say, go ahead and get up Fon, you got work to do!

This morning as I prayed and had my conversation with the Holy Spirit, He gave me some wisdom through the Scriptural Bible Study reading in Proverbs 18. This chapter should be called the Watch your mouth and choose who you rock with wisely chapter. But let’s jump into it, because the Holy Spirit highlighted way more than verse 22 to me!! HA! And yeah verse 22 has to do with being married! LOL!! But I will get into the revelation Holy Spirit gave me on that in a bit.

  • Don’t isolate yourself. You are to do life in community with wise counselors.

  • The name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run to it and are protected. That means don’t delay in running to the Lord to tell Him anything. He will protect you. Run to him and not to anybody or any substance.

  • Listen before you give an answer.

  • Being kind can open doors than you may not otherwise be able to walk into.

  • Always listen to both sides before drawing a conclusion about any matter.

  • Watch your mouth. What what comes out of your mouth. What the tongue says reflects the heart. That means you got to really be concerned with where the words are coming from that you say, not merely what you are saying. When you say, “I’m just saying though…” ask yourself where is that coming from though!

  • A heart filled with love for God and people will be reflected in how we talk to one another.

  • Choose your friends wisely. Everybody should not have the title of friend. The Bible said too many friends can end up being harmful to you.

  • When a kingdom man finds a kingdom woman for a wife, he obtains favor from the Lord. God gave Eve to Adam as a helper, a complement. God PROMISED Adam that he would make a helper corresponding to him. I looked up corresponding and it means identical in all essentials and in all respects. It means same, matching, equivalent, similar, comparable, and like.

Now Proverbs 18:22 says: A man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. And this verse corresponds with Genesis 2:18 which says: Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper corresponding to him.” God PROMISED Adam that He would make him a helper corresponding to him. The words promised and corresponding really stood out to me today. I had heard this verse before about a man who finds a wife finds a good thing. I mean there is a whole song that I like that sings it so well by Isaac Carree. And I mean this song jams!!

But back to what stood out to me. God promised Adam that He would make him a helper and we know that God is a promise-keeper. And then she would correspond to him. That means she would match him! And it got me to thinking about the narrative that we have attached ourselves to about opposites attracting. Well y’all that’s a lie from the devil because the Bible says that God fashioned Eve from Adam, that means she was made FROM him. That means they were equivalent, similar, comparable, alike!!! So why we out here marrying folks who ain’t nothing like us and telling ourselves that opposites attract? And that leads to people being unequally yoked, which means they cannot perform the task set before them. Now if God made Eve to HELP or complement Adam, then He made them equal to one another. He made Eve to ADD to what Adam was lacking, but she was ABLE to ADD!! I am about to preach up in here on this podcast TODAY!

We out here forging and forcing relationships that don’t do nothing but TAKE AWAY, SUBTRACT from the other person. It all seems well and good in the beginning, but when yall are dating (and not having sex to cloud your brain), you can immediately begin to tell if the person CORRESPONDS with you. I mean most times, we can see this from the door, like after one good conversation. I know a lot of people present their representatives, but even if you make it past the first stage, you can tell when a person ain’t like you and you ain’t like them. There are moments of awkwardness and it’s not a natural flow. But we will force that thang won’t we? Especially if the person look good! LOL!

Okay, yall know I could go on and on about this topic, but I will put a pin in it for now. But just know, I plan to come back to it at some point, maybe on a different podcast!!

Today, Proverbs provided me with much wisdom on who I can run to (The Lord), why I should watch my mouth, and why everybody can’t be my friend. But most of all, Holy Spirit showed me that if I don’t correspond with the guy, then I ain’t the helper who God promised him!! Okay!! Men, you got to ask God, “is this the helper you promised me?” but He already done told ya how he fashions your wife for you. She was MADE to HELP YOU AND COMPLEMENT your purpose!

Grab your copy of MY FAVORITE BIBLE (the purple Tony Evans Study Bible here) or if you prefer the hardcover Tony Evans Study Bible grab it here! (Please note these links are Amazon Affiliate Links and when you purchase OABG will get a portion of the proceeds to help fund our efforts).

P..S. Be sure to press play above or listen on the Anchor app to each episode as I always go deeper on audio and do me a favor and check out the podcast on the Anchor app so that you can leave me a message!! I would love to hear from you!


  1. What did the Lord God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. What did God reveal to you in Proverbs 18? Leave me a message on podcast!

  3. Share this post and this message with someone who needs to hear it.

    REMINDER: Don’t forget to read the Scriptural Bible Study below and see what the Lord says to you about it.


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

Check out today’s Scriptural Bible Study!!

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