Which Way Are You Going?

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Are you one of those people who likes to give directions and tell people how to get somewhere? You know those people I am talking about right? You may be who I am talking about. They love telling you the best way to go or the best way to get to a specific destination. Why do they know this? Or a better question is, why are they so passionate about telling others this way? It’s because they have traveled it with success and they are of the opinion that it is the best way. And they want you to take this way so you too can see that it is indeed the best way.

In my family, it’s a running joke how my uncles describe ways to take when traveling. It’s hilarious just hearing them do it. They be calling out highways and by-ways, but the best part is that they are passionate about telling you why this way is better. I find myself doing it too. LOL!! You don’t want anyone to get caught going the wrong way or the long way. Ohh wee, that’s a word right there!

This morning, the Holy Spirit and I had a conversation about The Way. He reminded me that His Way is counter to culture. His way will always be different. He reminded me that as His sons and daughters, we are set apart. We are not to fall in line with the world’s way of doing ANYTHING.

“Check the way,” said Holy Spirit.

“Check the way that you’re going.”

“Is it My Way?”


“Take My Way…it won’t lead you astray.”

When I went to look for the scripture where Jesus told the disciples that He is the way, the truth, and the life, I found it in John 14:6

Jesus said, “I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him. You’ve even seen him!” John 14:6-7 MSG

I love how in the Message translation, Jesus said I am the Road!

Today, I want to ask you, which way are you going? Which ROAD are you taking?

See when you ask this question, a person must first know where they are going or where they want to go. As I was searching for the scripture, I ran across this post on Crosswalk.com and this part really summed up what Holy Spirit was talking to me about this morning.

The disciples wanted to know the next step, the next turn, the ultimate destination of where this journey in faith would lead them.  When we have a long trip ahead of us, we want to turn on our GPS and get an idea of how long it will take and the roads we will travel on to get there.  We determine the best, fastest routes and then start our journey.  Thomas was looking for the same kind of information.

However, Jesus makes it clear that they (or we) won’t know the defined way we are supposed to travel in life.  We are instead tasked with simply knowing and trusting in Jesus daily, and walking in faith that HE is the way.  When we abide in him, we will not know a defined course, but we can rest in the comfort of faith – that he will lead us exactly where we need to go as we walk in him.

The source text above is from Crosswalk.com: "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" - What Jesus Really Meant by Jason Soroski

Let us be encouraged to trust God’s Way every day of our lives, and walk every area of our lives out with Him.

P.S. Yes, I read chapter 23 of Deuteronomy for our Scriptural Bible Study! Even if I don’t mention it in the blog or podcast, best believe I am still reading God’s Word. What stood to me today was that if you voluntarily make a promise to God, make sure you do what you said, otherwise it’s sin. Also don’t charge interest to your own people. Then the Lord will bless you in everything you do. And finally when you promise a gift to the Lord, bring it soon! The same way we want God to post haste our requests, we need to post haste what we promise him. Post haste means do it with great speed or immediacy!


If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you’re not a believer, but you have a desire to be, all you have to do is openly confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community, stay connected to other believers, and start having daily conversations through prayer with God every single day. Welcome to your new life with Jesus Christ!!!


  1. What did Holy Spirit say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. Do you know where you are going? Do you know which road you are taking to get there?

  3. Leave me a message on the podcast. Share this blog post/podcast with someone who needs encouraging. Share buttons below.
