You Can't Fool God...He Sees You!
My Daily Conversations With God
Today I want to kick off the blog/podcast encouraging parents. If you are a parent listening or reading today, be encouraged. God is with us and we are strong in Him.
I had a pretty rough night last night. I had to discipline my child for disobedience and it really took so much out of me. Who knew that when my parents used to have to discipline me that it was eating them up on the inside! As a child, you’re sitting there in tears as they bring the wrath down on you, all the while, not knowing that it’s taking everything in them not to break down BECAUSE they have to do it.
I believe that’s how our Lord and Savior feels when we are disobedient to His Word. It breaks His heart to see us be disobedient. But like with my child, I had to let them know that there are consequences to being disobedient. As I was lecturing, I heard myself say, God sees all if Mommy doesn’t, so don’t think that you can sneak and do anything. You can’t fool God and you can’t fool Mommy, because He will make sure I find out. You’re not getting away with anything in life, so it’s best to just be obedient.
Y’all I had to pray on my face because Lord knows that I don’t want my children repeating the same mistakes I made. I used to be so sneaky. And my Momma used to always say, “ Ohhh, I’m gonna find out.” But my sneaky butt would test it out. And when I saw that behavior in my child, I got angry. Why? Because I don’t want her to take all the years I took, for it to finally sink in! I prayed that sneaky curse off of my children last night and this morning. Again, I had to get on my face. Pray in tongues. The enemy won’t have a chance with my children…thank you Jesus!
I was thinking so heavily about my child this morning. I was fighting back tears because my children really are good kids, but that’s just the thing…being a parent requires us to not just settle for good kids. Our Daddy (Father God) doesn’t want us to just settle for just be aight. No we’re not perfect, but our goal should always be full obedience to His Word. My children’s goals should be full obedience to the Word of God and to their parents’ rules.
One of the concepts that it took me a long time to really understand was that, the greater One lives on the inside of me. 1 John 4:4 says, Greater is He that is IN YOU, than He that is in the world. And 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says: Remember this: Your body is the home of God’s Holy Spirit. God gave his Holy Spirit to you and he lives in you. You do not belong to yourselves any longer. God bought you for himself. He paid the price for you. So use your body to show how great God is.
The Holy Spirit lives IN ME. So as I was talking to my child about sneaking, I was like…God isn’t just looking down on you, the Holy Spirit LIVES IN YOU, so when you’re sneaking, He is right there!
I’m telling you, if I had caught that revelation as a teenager and young adult, a lot of sins would have been prevented. You feel me? LOL! I’m just saying. If I had known the Holy Spirit was with me on some of those late night drives, in some of those wee hour of the morning conversations, in some of those moments in life where I thought I was by myself and no one was seeing what I was doing…THINGS WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT! When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, which I did as a kid, and my kids have also already done, then recognizing and acknowledging WHO HE IS, WHAT HE HAS DONE, and WHERE HE RESIDES, can make all the difference in how we choose to live our lives.
God is loving, yet He is also just. There are over 7400 promises in the Bible. Some are assurances of blessings. And some are guarantees of consequences. We have to know that y’all. We can’t be out here in these streets attending online church, praising the Lord, sharing scriptures, and then thinking that can’t nobody see what we’re sneaking and doing. See my child thought I was sleep, and truth be told, I was. Momma was tired yesterday. But the Holy Spirit, who lives on the INSIDE OF ME, woke me up and had me to check on them. And guess what? Caught!
See we think because we haven’t been caught yet, that we won’t get caught. Don’t be no fool nah y’all. Okay. You can look at the news now and see a bunch of people being exposed who have done things in the dark and behind closed doors. Just because you didn’t get caught IN THE ACT, doesn’t mean God won’t ACT!! In 1 Corinthians 6:9 it says in part, “Don’t you know that people who do wrong will not receive God’s kingdom? Don’t be fooled…”
This morning, I heard two words from the Holy Spirit: LOVE and GIVE. When I read them backwards (something I tend to do often), the message is GIVE LOVE.
I flipped open my Bible for the Scriptural Surprise and landed in Nahum and it’s basically is talking about repenting and returning to God! That’s exactly what our action step should be if we have been operating outside of God’s commandments and rules. If we have been sneaking around or doing things in the dark that we believe no one sees. God sees you.
And finally, the Holy Spirit encouraged me this morning. Like I mentioned earlier, there are over 7400 promises in the Word of God and He said to me:
Let me work out all the details.
I want to see you do well in all that I have called you to.
I’m fixing everything that YOU tried to patch up in your life.
I am making it brand new!
Romans 4:21 says: God is able to do whatever He promises.
Today, be encouraged to be on the blessings side of God’s promises versus the consequences side of His promises.
P.S. Be sure to press play above & listen to each episode as I always go deeper on the audio version.
What did the Lord God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?
What are you doing in the dark that you need to repent for and turn back to God?
REMINDER: Don’t forget to read the Scriptural Surprise below and see what the Lord says to you about it.
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!
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