What/Who Are You Committed To?
What/Who Are You Committed To?
King James Version
This morning after I prayed and listened for the Holy Spirit to interpret my prayers, I heard, open your Bible. Sometimes I just open it with expectation and anticipation that the page I open it to is the page that the Holy Spirit wants me to see (now sometimes I have to turn the page to get what He wants me to see…lol). This morning I opened my Bible directly to Psalm 19. I ended up reading Psalm 19-25…yeah it was THAT GOOD!
Some verses stuck out to me more than others, like Psalm 19:14 which says:
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
I also focused on Psalm 20:3-5, more specifically verse 4:
“May he grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed.” Psalm 20:4
After reading through these Psalms, I heard two words: Be Encouraged!
I started to think about how reading the word of God can instantly refresh me, encourage me, guide me, correct me, comfort me, and instruct me. After thinking those thoughts here is what the Holy Spirit said next:
Read My Word to learn more about Me, AND what’s next for You.
Psalm 119:105
Commit to reading My Word first before you make or keep any other non-prayer commitments (basically, your first commitments should be prayer and reading the Word of God).
Working out and eating good is fine, but don’t let those commitments keep you from praying and reading My Word.
Don’t let anyone or anything come before Me.
Always ask me first (Now I have heard this so many times from the Holy Spirit and He knew I was thinking it because look at what comes next! HA!)
Some of the things that I tell you, must be told over and over to help you remember, so you can grow to the next level (HA! Yep, He knows ALL my thoughts).
I am so thankful for the Word! I used to look at the Bible as something hard to read or understand, but I now see how the enemy tries to make us think that following Jesus and reading His Word is complicated. It’s really not. Plus, when you start reading the Bible, you’ll see where all your favorite TV shows get their inspiration. It’s ALL in the Bible…every bit of it. Ain’t nothing new under the sun (remember that).
Happy Friday! Remember to be encouraged and commit to praying and reading the Bible before you commit to anything/anyone else. Life will be so much better when you put God first!
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A Word from God.