I Hear You!
I Hear You!
New Living Translation
It’s another awesome Saturday morning where I had the privilege to go before God to praise and worship Him, pray to Him, pray through Him, and hear from Him through His Word.
This morning, the first thing I heard was the Holy Spirit say: I HEAR YOU!
I have a framed scripture picture that my good sister friends gave me when I moved from Houston. It has the Jeremiah 29:11 scripture on it. Let me tell you something… I have read that scripture and believed on it so much, especially when things just got crazy in my life after I moved. I purposefully keep it hanging in the bathroom because I know I will see it often there. LOL! But what’s funny is, my Bible reading before now consisted of reading that picture on the wall, and whatever verse the pastor would have us turn to during Sunday morning services. I didn’t do a whole lot of reading. I used to try and make reading the Bible a yearly goal, but I never got far, and I most certainly wasn’t in the THIS MATURE SPIRITUAL mindset that I am in now.
So this morning, the Holy Spirit led me to the book of Jeremiah. I knew Jeremiah 29:11 because of the picture, but yall, I had never read Jeremiah 29:12 or Jeremiah 29:13!!! Check this out!!
“In those days when you pray, I will listen.” Jeremiah 29:12 NLT
Now this was one of those moments where I was just in awe of God. Right there after a verse that I had been standing on during a season in my life where I was unsure of my plans, the very next two verses after verse 11 were instructional confirmations.
“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:13
I can’t tell you enough how much I love reading God’s Word! All this time in my life I have been falling asleep reading the Word or only reading what the preacher says turn to. I realize that the enemy DOES NOT WANT YOU TO READ THE BIBLE!! I see why! It has everything we need to connect to our POWER SOURCE! It has everything we need to overcome anything we are going through. I believe if I had read all THREE of those verses in Jeremiah, and not just the main one, I would have felt an even deeper connection to the Lord and would have grown in my faith during that season in my life where my hope was wondering…what in the world! Be encouraged though. Now that I know better, I do better. We got to read the Word yall! Just try it. The more I try, the more I feel God’s presence in my life.
As I continued to pray today, I also heard this from the Holy Spirit:
Everything will be okay, now that you are letting ME handle ALL of it.
Trust me and continue to meditate on Jeremiah, 29, verses 11-13, and Jeremiah 33:3.
By surrendering your plans to Me, shows you trust MY PLAN for your life. I created you, so I know what your heart’s true desires are, and I want you to keep trusting Me to give them to you
Even in the wait Fon, you will be smiling, because I love you THAT MUCH!! <3 <3 <3
I pray you all have a wonderful Saturday full of love and gratitude :-)
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A Word from God.