Fresh Start...Same Instructions!

God’s Word

God’s Word


The instructions are still the same, even with a fresh start!

That’s what the Holy Spirit said to me this first Monday morning of the new year. Many of us are pumped up and ready to start with a fresh planner, a fresh notebook, a fresh calendar, or just a fresh start, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with starting fresh. But I have to warn you. The Holy Spirit told me this morning: I won’t give you further instructions until you obey the ones I already gave you. So that means, you need to go back to the old notebook, calendar, or planner and rewrite what He said for you to do in your new notebook, calendar, or planner and DO IT!

I know you were thinking you could possibly get out of doing it or pretend like you didn’t hear God tell you what He told you, but a new year, a new notebook, a new calendar, or a new schedule won’t do you any good because the assignment that He gave you is still the same! Your new goal should be to rewrite it and do it! Our purpose is connected to our assignment and if we try to circumvent the assignment, we are throwing ourselves outside the will of God, and off of His plan for our lives.

But I know. You can’t figure out how to accomplish the last thing He told you to do, can you? You’re avoiding it because you aren’t sure where to start. You don’t even think you are capable of doing it, do you?

Well I am glad you are reading the blog today because in My Conversation With God this morning, he said: You are fully capable to do what I called you to do, but only WITH ME! You have to ask me for help and stop thinking you can do it all on your own. I set it up to where you will have to SEEK ME and NEED ME.

So while you are trying to kick this Monday off with a fresh start, the Lord said to remind you that the instructions are still the same. What was the last instruction God gave you?

The Holy Spirit also said this to me:

  • What I have for you to do will be fulfilling. It won’t be miserable.

  • No more miserable work.

  • Mighty Works, not miserable works.

  • With Me, Victory awaits you!

  • Check your assignments.

  • Throw yourself into my Word, before you throw yourself into your work!!

  • Make sure you work is MY Work.

  • Confusion is clarified through your commitment to Christ’s Word.

As we delve into this first Monday of the year with all our new gear we have bought to help us have a great year, let’s not forget the one who allowed us to make it to this year…for HIS PURPOSE! We are not here on earth for us, we are here for HIM. So let’s make sure that everything we have on our assignments lis, things to do list, or goals list, is a part of the vision that God has given to us. A fresh start with daily prayer and a conversation with Jesus, will ensure you are starting the year off right!

Questions for today:

What was the last instruction God gave you to do? When will you do it?

What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

New Year…New Things! The Scriptural Surprise will now be featured in a graphic! And of course if God gives me something to say on it, I will share that conversation in the blog. The graphic may change sometimes (it did today), but I wanted to make sure you knew where the new home for the Scriptural Surprise would be. Check it out below and read the scriptures! I know God would love to have a conversation with you!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Acts 22. Read about how the Lord informed Paul of His purpose!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Acts 22. Read about how the Lord informed Paul of His purpose!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

Psssst! If you enjoyed today’s blog, become a subscriber! I want to help you get connected to me via email on a daily basis so you won’t miss a day of My Conversations With God. Get the blog sent to your inbox daily by signing up here!! Trust me, God will speak to you too! Need to email me? I can be reached at


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