Other Side of Obedience!

Other Side of Obedience!

Message Translation

Message Translation


This is the day that the Lord has made and I am rejoicing and glad in it. I was so excited to get into my prayer closet this morning! Yesterday was something else, but God was faithful through it all.

Yesterday, God said release the book and stop making excuses. My new book, Permission Slips, has been ready but I had been making excuses about announcing it. I kept thinking I needed to have so many things in order first. I wanted to launch it my way, but God said, I have been guiding you on this assignment from day 1, why are you now trying to put Fon’s way on it when it’s time to release. Be obedient and just release the book! So I made a post on Instagram to hold myself accountable and started putting the release in motion. I needed to at least make sure people could order it when I announced it. So I did those tasks.

As I continued through the day, I said, well at least I can create a cute promo to post it. So I had resolved that it would get released. Well guess what…my daughter had an accident trying to do a trick she saw on Tik Tok app, and had to be rushed to the ER!!! OMG!! When I look back on it today, I saw how the Holy Spirit was carrying me, my daughter, and my son the entire time from when they shouted, Mom, it’s an emergency! My daughter lost soooo much blood and my home looked like an injured person had walked all over it. Blood was everywhere. My baby girl had tried to clean it up herself, bless God.

As we were rushing out the house, my daughter was overwhelmed and collapsed in my arms. I am writing this in tears because I know God kept me in that moment as I spoke to her with boldness and confidence to wake up. I carried her to the car. The ER was too far I thought. Her foot was bleeding so much!! The fire department was right down the street. The Holy Spirit said, go there! I whipped my truck into the fire department and blew the horn as I pulled up. I jumped out and shouted, Help!! There were these four wonderful angels who ran out and jumped into action. They took my daughter and got her stabilized. She was throwing up and they were handling her with so much care. I thank God for the Flowood Fire Department on Vine Street. One of the firefighters was even making sure my son, who was crying and scared for what was happening with his sister, was okay. I was trying to be attentive to my daughter and my son at the same time. But at one point, I looked over my shoulder as they were tending to my daughter and I saw my 7 year old son praying and pacing. His hands were clasped in prayer and he was moving about. He reminded me of myself as I move about when I pray. I am so thankful for a praying child!

My daughter ended up with a total of 13 stitches. One cut on top of her foot had 6 stitches and the other cut on her big toe had 7 stitches. God is faithful. My 10 year old daughter did not cry one tear during this whole ordeal. She was so apologetic about the whole incident and I encouraged her that we all make mistakes and I love her and God does too.

Once I finally got home, I had to clean up all the blood. It was overwhelming. My mom came over to help and check on us and their Dad raced here with prescriptions in tow. I am blessed to have amazing family and supportive friends!

I almost said I wouldn’t release the book today, but guess what…I was still obedient and felt God said…don’t let that accident distract you. Y’all, as did the final task to release the book, it happened in less than 10 minutes. Everything fell together immediately when I decided to be obedient and just release the book!! The enemy tried to keep the book from being released with what happened to my daughter, but I laughed in his stupid face last night as I shared: Permission Slips, Getting God’s Permission In Love, Work, and Life!! You can find a link to the book on the main menu of this blog.

All I can say is…God is faithful, no matter what. But when we are obedient to Him, the blessings are on the other side of doing what He called us to do! I am beyond excited today for what all is about to take place!!


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My completed assignment!

My completed assignment!